National Right to Work - The Beginning of the End


Nine Lives
Private sector unions are private enterprises. The government should have no say in weather or not a work force should decide to strike. Its none of their business.
Agree and also the companies should be able to refuse to recognize the Union and hire replacement workers into permanent positions vacated by the striking workers.

See ... it goes both ways.
I can do this for days on end if you want to. ;)


The resident gearhead
Agree and also the companies should be able to refuse to recognize the Union and hire replacement workers into permanent positions vacated by the striking workers.

See ... it goes both ways.
I can do this for days on end if you want to. ;)
They can and they do. They are called scabs. No company is obligated to sit down with the union when a contract has expired. But IF they decide to choose to sit down and negotiate with a union the company is legally obligated to fulfill their end of the contract. I still don't understand what your getting at.

10 point

Well-Known Member
They can and they do. They are called scabs. No company is obligated to sit down with the union when a contract has expired. But IF they decide to choose to sit down and negotiate with a union the company is legally obligated to fulfill their end of the contract. I still don't understand what your getting at.
In 97 the management tried to do our jobs when we walked.
Our center manager and On Car Supes made the office girls unload the trailers. FACT. FACT.
There ya go. That was enlightening.

(The girls came out to the strike line all dirty and sweaty and asked us just how long we planned on staying on strike. Lol. They were not amused.)


Nine Lives
They can and they do. They are called scabs. No company is obligated to sit down with the union when a contract has expired. But IF they decide to choose to sit down and negotiate with a union the company is legally obligated to fulfill their end of the contract. I still don't understand what your getting at.
What you just described is government intervention.
Laws are made by and enforced by the government.
Everything you just described is how government gets involved in private enterprises.
If you don't want government to get involved, that means get rid of all labor laws as well since labor is an input to a business enterprise process.

I guess my point is the only reasons that Unions have any influence is because the government has got involved in private enterprise.
Be careful what you ask for.

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
They can and they do. They are called scabs. No company is obligated to sit down with the union when a contract has expired. But IF they decide to choose to sit down and negotiate with a union the company is legally obligated to fulfill their end of the contract. I still don't understand what your getting at.
Wrong! The parties' obligations do not end when the contract expires. They must bargain in good faith for a successor agreement, or for the termination of the agreement, while the terms of the expired contract continue.

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Private sector unions are private enterprises. The government should have no say in weather or not a work force should decide to strike. Its none of their business.
What say does the government have in a private sector union decision to strike? I am not aware of any required government notification or request by a private sector union to go on strike. The parties are required to notify FMCS of the expiration of a CBA, but that is not a request of any sort by the union to strike.


Well-Known Member
They can and they do. They are called scabs. No company is obligated to sit down with the union when a contract has expired. But IF they decide to choose to sit down and negotiate with a union the company is legally obligated to fulfill their end of the contract. I still don't understand what your getting at.
I believe they can only actually hire permanent replacement workers if the strike is solely over wages.


Well-Known Member
I believe if you think its your right to not join the Union but want the same pay and benefits of those who do join and fight for that pay and those benefits-then you also have the right to get the crap beat out of you every chance possible. I would go out of my way to make your life miserable.
Damn... Rod going off!!!


Well-Known Member
My position alone? Nope. I'm just a PT shop steward.

Hopefully the millions of dollars UPS burns through in turnover combined with the wasted administrative costs on the individual local unions' side encourages both parties to realize changes for the CBA beyond 2018.

UPS has seemingly coughed up a non-contractual $0.15/hr nationwide to new PT hires bringing starting pay to $10.15/hr which didn't do a lick of good. A throwaway, disposable job is still a disposable job even with a few nickels more an hour.
Hell even bus drivers START out at 16.00 bucks an hour.... Ups should be ashamed of themselves.....


Well-Known Member
Right but that's not the case. Rtw says
Pay dues=receive union perks
Don't pay=receive union perks

Is getting something for free what the forefathers envisioned
So everybody is getting the same perks even though one group is paying and the other isn't.... Sounds like socialism to me... You know, that evil word that republicans seem to hate...the word they were throwing at Obama because he wanted everyone to have decent healthcare....


Well-Known Member
One thing I can assure you is that the forefathers did not envision Unions.
If they had, they would have probably fought against Unions.
They probably didn't envision huge corporations who use their money and influence to screw this country up in more than one way....fact


Well-Known Member
Hell even bus drivers START out at 16.00 bucks an hour.... Ups should be ashamed of themselves.....

I would think hauling kids would pay more than hauling boxes. Unless, of course, you are this guy:


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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Agree and also the companies should be able to refuse to recognize the Union and hire replacement workers into permanent positions vacated by the striking workers.

See ... it goes both ways.
I can do this for days on end if you want to. ;)
It's also the right of the members to accidentally bump into these supervisors, managers and CEO's off company time... I get it, you go both ways.