Lets be clear. I was against spying THEN, and against spying NOW. My position has not changed. I am no more happy with the government using its powers to spy on americans than any of you.
My argument isnt whether or not its right or wrong any longer. YOU folks, supported it when it was created under BUSH, EXPANDED under BUSH and ABUSED by BUSH, and today, its turned into "just another practice" for the government.
There is a difference however.
CONGRESS has done nothing about it, or has tried to stop it.
In fact, this current DO NOTHING congress has argued to keep things the way they are. The Patriot Act which was created by republicans and abused by republicans is the law of the land. Until that law is ended and every executive order that BUSH signed creating spying on americans is overturned, then why complain about it now?
Why are you mad at OBAMA for this? He didnt create it. Its now an "arm" of the government and a tool that is being used the way it was created.
My compliants are simple.
WHY are you all being hypocrites on this issue?? (few were on my side against it at the time)
You were all for it before you were all against it. I can point out the many hypocrites on this board or on FOX news or AM Radio who today say the complete opposite of what they argued under BUSH.
My second complaint is the "narrative" that you are being sold today, as if the spying is something new to report on. This has been going on for 10 years now, but NOW, because the narrative has changed for the GOP, they want to make an issue out of it.
As for Noam Chomsky, his positions arent very different than mine. Of course he is upset with civil liberties being violated, but this isnt OBAMA's law or creation. Its the creation of a desperate political party and their reckless regard for our constitution. The republicans, BUSH, CHENEY and our military didnt give a rats behind about our rights as citizens, and they all thought they could do or use any kind of technology against us all no matter what that entailed.
OBAMA is the president, he has control over our military, or does he? This is what happens when you let the military industrial complex take over a nation. We were warned about this by republican president Dwight Eisenhower on his last day in office.
No one wants to hold BUSH or CHENEY responsible for the spying on america. BUSH/CHENEY had their puppet attorney general Alberto Gonzales rubber stamp spying on americans and it became the law of the land. But now, some of you folks want to be outraged??
Give us a break.
The NSA is simply doing what it was instructed to do when it was created by BUSH/CHENEY and expanded over their administration.
You want to be outraged? Then throw out the GOP in congress who also rubber stamped the practice.
Back then, you all were chanting "FREEDOM ISNT FREE" when the arguments over the patriot act and spying were raised, and now you have NO ROOM to complain.
You were part of the problem then, and you are still part of the problem now.