The power of nightmares? The arms race and the Cold War were obvious realities. As is the reality of islamo- fascism. Ask any Israeli.
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The power of nightmares? The arms race and the Cold War were obvious realities. As is the reality of islamo- fascism. Ask any Israeli.
Hannity is on the radio EVERYDAY with his NON STOP assault on the NSA program under Obamas watch, but what did he say just a few short years ago.....hmmm?
Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance - YouTube
NOW you know.
Few short years ago TOS, you and your fellow travelers were all over Bush and rightly so that domestic surveillance was wrong and yet now under Obama you guys defend it. You can rightly decry Hannity, Limbaugh and the like for their hypocrisy (they did sound under Bush like democrats sound right now under Obama, imagine that) but do you have the guts to turn you critique on yourself and the political agenda you worship using the old standard you held under Bush?
Yeah, I didn't think so. Imagine That!
Hypocrites make such good bedfellows but the problem is they both friend### our lives up royally anytime they get their hands on gov't. The last century and half at least is a testament to that truism!
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.
As whistleblower Sibel Edmonds wrote this week, the inaction and apathy of people is our greatest enemy: “Apathy is a must ingredient for any police state, authoritarian regime, dictatorship, for abuses of power, for corruption, national atrocities, genocide. . . .”
The gov't collecting our phone calls, email, other data is really no big shocking surprise. For me it was almost taken for granted. Snowden only reconfirmed what I already believed anyway.
We think 9/11 changed the world but not really as in the 1990's, the FBI had the Carnivore Software used to monitor email and electronic data. And in the case of the NSA, google the 1990's Project Echelon and follow that trail. Yes folks, all before 9/11. So again, the latest revelations of the State going backdoor into our private lives is not new. What seems new is that before, the info was being harvested by purely Black Op means but today the gov't just walks into the front door of American business and are handed the keys.
It's not so much shocking but rather disappointing in how easily so many US companies just rolled over and gladly gave them the info. I think the companies involved and the private companies whose work it is to collect such data for the gov't are the real story here. Can a private company go to say AT&T under the guise of marketing research, collect said data and then turn around and sell such data to customers, even if the customer is the US Gov't? Is this how the whole thing is legit and everyone has plausible deniability?
Just how far down does that rabbit hole really go? Are we even willing to face the reality of what doing so might undercover? In my own talking and listening to people in general, I've concluded we are not.