I heard that a lot ! "He doesn't bite " Hey he's not going to bite you because you are feeding him. He will tear you a brand new one. My most scariest encounter came from a rottweiler. I pull up in the yard tooted my horn and the dog hit
the storm door and got to the PC before the owner did, I slammed the door on his head and he was still trying to get me .The owner didn't like it but you have got to protect yourself at all cost .
It is a curious and ridiculous position to be in when the dog owner is upset you didn't allow his dog to maul you.
When I began to be a courier for a living and was not yet sick and tired of people and their dogs, I carried a box of dog biscuits. One day while delivering in a rural, movie star rich neighborhood a dog approached my van. I tossed the dog a biscuit as the owner approached and as the dog greedily devoured the biscuit the owner got very angry with me.
He demanded to know what I gave his dog. I thought for certain he was joking so I called his bluff. I showed him the box of biscuits and I said in a very patronizing voice "I'm sorry, would you like one too?" He became even angrier and explained to me that "my dog is on a special diet."
I never gave a dog a biscuit ever again.