Interesting topic....I had a very close week with dogs, everyone always says that their dog won't bite, yea ok.
2 weeks ago I got bit (barely) at a printing company I deliver to and do pickups at. A week prior they claimed the annoying small dog just wanted to be pet...then it bit me when I was doing a pickup but barely broke the skin. Being a newer driver, wasn't sure what to do but now I know after talking it over with other drivers. Then, this week:
1. Knocked on a door and left the package, walked off... Dog barks and I continue to walk fast and dog comes in the street and went after another guy and he pepper sprayed the dog (kudos) I leave.
2. A very small gated apartment complex of like 8 residences. A lady was in the yard with her two dogs and she said they won't bite (yea, ok) well they tried to attack me but she held the aggressive one back.
3. I deliver two large packages to a business and announce UPS (small business, interior designer) a dog come darting down he stairs and I'm standing there with my DIAD, already had put the two large packages down so I raised my foot to block my legs with the rubber boots I had on (we were flooded yesterday) and this bitch comes down the stairs and says don't ever kick my dog and picks up the

dog. First off, I will kick the

out of your dog when he is barking, growling and charging at me. Second off, how dumb can you be? No apology? Only a matter of time until a lawsuit happens.
This thread opens my eyes of what to do in the future, I try not to put myself in these positions but sometimes hey are unavoidable due to people being too dumb and irresponsible to care for their pets. It reminds me of parents of murders saying their kid couldn't have done he crime....yes, your dog will bite a complete stranger. If we get bit by a dog and decide to sue, does UPS care? Or is it more of a personal matter?