What has he conceded to? We don't have an agreement yet. UPS already reduced the health issue. See this is my problem. Everyone wants info on the contract. So the union informs us that UPS reduced the offer and now people think it's agreed to.
You really don't see cause for concern? I get that you're taking a "wait and see" approach. But to many of us, the simple fact that the company is still at a point where their original proposal is still in tact in some form, is incredibly aggravating to most of us. And it should be.
I've said it already in another post, as have many others, but we should not take any concessions on this contract. NONE. ZERO. We shouldn't lose ANYTHING. You make concessions when the company you work for is failing, the business is losing money, the stock is dropping, and the only way to save your job, is to make financial changes within the company.
None of that is happening with UPS. Business is THRIVING. The Company has profited in the BILLIONS for nearly 10 years, and ecommerce is only GROWING. The hefty raises UPS saw fit to give it's CEO, CFO and COO two years ago were tied to production results. Results we're responsible for.
Now I know you're probably rolling your eyes at this point, because it seems like I'm telling you things you already know. But this is why we have so little patience. All this success the company has been afforded has been from the yield of OUR labor, and they want us to take concessions?
The health care proposal shouldn't have been on the table this long. Period. The Union shouldn't have entertained any offers regarding our health care. Period. The best way (only way, in my opinion) to get the point across that we don't want our benefits to change in any form, was to simply say "If you do not remove your heath care proposal from table, we won't bother showing up."
This would have sent a clear message to the company that we've got some teeth, and that the Union is absolutely looking out for us. But here we are, months after the first proposal which was a complete and utter turd, and now after this later update, we're left with a polished turd.
When this does go to vote, and if I learn we have to pay a dollar more than I'm paying now, then our Union isn't doing its job, they've squandered our bargaining chip, and they're deserving of any and all criticism that follows.