

Well-Known Member
One way or the other everyone is going get there health insurance under a union run plan. I'm covered under a union run health plan I don't / haven't paid a dime for anything and I have 2 kids a 5 and 7.

You should direct your effort on the details of the plan and not trying to stop the switch to a union run plan. You should have your BA / local officers look into what other well run teamster Health insurance plans that have been around for a while provide for coverage.

Ask any management person what is happening to there health care plan run by UPS you might change your mind. Under the Obamacare cluster employers don't have to late employees have there spouses on there health insurance plan and that is what is happen to management.

Before Obamacare employers didn't have to let employees and their spouses on their health insurance either.


Well-Known Member
Brick Tamlin (Steve Carell) from Anchorman!
That's my new saying when I feel one poster is making no sense.


Well-Known Member
Does this contract negotiation put a freeze on hiring?? I had an interview for auto mechanic 3 months ago the position is still open and have not hired anyone yet???


Well-Known Member
So how long do you upsers think it Will take to negotiate this mess out? I'm hoping for sometime after September. My anniversary is in September so I'm hoping for my .50 cent raise, then the contract raise sometime after. I'm hoping that's how it will work.


Well-Known Member
I was willing to forgo raises to keep my bennies. Drag it out for five years. Do feel and for the part timers. But any driver voting yes for a raise should seek financial help. They would e screwed no matter how much they make.


Well-Known Member
I was willing to forgo raises to keep my bennies. Drag it out for five years. Do feel and for the part timers. But any driver voting yes for a raise should seek financial help. They would e screwed no matter how much they make.
Has anyone come up with an individual cost involved with this benefit switch?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone come up with an individual cost involved with this benefit switch?

Good question. I can't answer total added cost for my family.

I do know that I am going from $0 deductible to $400. I know ER visit goes up. I know X-rays and diagnostic goes up.

But all that aside, here is my biggest problem, I am being sold on goods without knowing all the details. All I got was one piece of paper as that is all that has been released. I know that a portion of H&W contribution can be redirected into paying for healthcare. I do not know what happens if healthcare cost has a dramatic spike whether the Union will have to come to us to pay more being that UPS is washing their hands of it.

If I had concrete details, perhaps I would be more willing to go to a plan that is not as good as I have now. A plan that, up to this point, UPS HAD to provide me regardless of the increases in cost.

Its all in the details, details that we do not know. I don't gamble, and as far as I can see this is a gamble. I need to be clear, as you will twist my words. Its a gamble for me, because I, meaning me, do not have the exact details of the new healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Only reason I ask is because some on here said they would forgo the raises. That's about a 10K swing. I'd always opt for the raise.


Well-Known Member
Only reason I ask is because some on here said they would forgo the raises. That's about a 10K swing. I'd always opt for the raise.

Not going to bash you for your decision to always go for the raise. I will respond with reasons why I would not always opt for the raise.

I do not want to open the door to healthcare being cut. I want the healthcare to be contractually provided by UPS to guarantee no cost to the rank and file. I would rather know my exact pay, benefits and coverage. I do not feel comfortable voting yes on something that does not lay out the exact cost and projected cost. Family of six, over 5 years, with no financial detail....... Nah, not that hungry for money today to open the door to possibly paying more tomorrow.

Further more, Part Timers will be taking a pay cut when you factor in the added cost of healthcare, or at the least projected cost of healthcare. There are more ways to skin a cat. If UPS wants to save money on healthcare, the union and UPS could have wording in the contract that allows part timers to opt out of healthcare for a bump in pay. I know a sizable group that are in college on their parents plan. Some of their parents work for UPS. I know part timers that are married to drivers. How much money is being wasted in that situation? There is one creative way to keep more brothers and sisters happy.

Also, it isn't all about healthcare and raises. There is also the issue of the entire contract that I do not like.

I will take this one step further, I would consider taking the new plan with these two stipulations. One, I get to read the entire plan details. Two, UPS provides it contractually.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I have the feeling negotiations are in full swing! Tee off time at ten... UPS_GOLF_CART.jpg


The Nim
Only reason I ask is because some on here said they would forgo the raises. That's about a 10K swing. I'd always opt for the raise.

Yeah, I'd forgo raises to keep complete no cost healthcare. As a PTer I'd only pick up probably another 1k a year, but I could easily spend more than that if I had a wife and a child with the no detail insurance I'm facing. The FTers as a whole won't be effected by the insurance change so their 10k a year raise looks great. It's the PTers that are taking the hit.

Edit: and don't even think of mentioning "part time isn't meant to be livable" because many PTers that would take a hit from the insurance already work other jobs that might not provide insurance. I'm not a fool, if I decided to start a family there's no way I'd only rely on a PT wage, even one that UPS provides.