
Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
I’m aware it’s not the national but the Supplements get their marching orders or directives from SO team. And I took it the complete opposite way. It sounds like the Union was arguing for no more subcontracting and it wasn’t happening so they withdrew. Why would it say the Teamsters argued hard?

The Company submitted the proposal on subcontracting. The Teamsters argued hard until the Company withdrew their proposal on subcontracting.


Well-Known Member
Is that how they came in????? Lol
It varied quite a bit over the years from what I remember. Thats one of the later ones from the logo. I seem to remember an old logo one and quite a few in just a white box. Somebody here probably has an old one forgotten in the deep freezer. They usually came from a neighboring hub in a feeder. PSA It may have been different in your area.