In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Some supplements rely on language in the national. So if the national language changes, it might make some supplemental agreements obsolete before they're even ratified.
What happens when members’s monetary benefits are inferior to others that are stuck in supplemental, rider or a letter of understanding?
To put it bluntly, what happens when the Company purposely discriminates against a minority group of our membership just because the leadership is protecting the status quo.
What if the Company refuses to negotiate any improvements in those supplements and riders knowing full well that a vast majority of our membership are willing to throw others under the bus rather then fixing the problem.
That is why negotiating the supplements and riders first is so important. Has the concept that ALL union members should be paid the same, have the same retirement and healthcare benefits nationwide a pipe dream.
Every time the Company sees our members turn on each other when push comes to shove they win. If the Company wins concessions or the Union fails to address previous injustices with this Contract it will not be done by our elected officials unfortunately it will be done by a mob mentality of looking out for number one. To hell with the rest.