They have too..It is Federal law (ERISA)..If they could they would lawyer out of it.
Maybe they would have lawyered out of it, that is irrelevant speculation because they cannot, anymore than they could lawyer out of their obligation under the now solely UPS/IBT pensions they are in. Remember, the exit UPS tried in '97, it got in 2007, and none of the nefarious destruction of the UPSers pensions so prevalent in the IBT propaganda from '97 has come to pass. Even in the CS fiasco, the UPSer's will be better taken care of than most.
The current Central States underfunding was a result of UPS trying to get out of their liability back in l997, they offered that 100 dollars per full time / 50 dollars per part time pension benefit capped at 35 years knowing that the Central would have to increase their pension putting more pressure on the decreasing active members to cover the growing number of pensioners. With that offer the vested funds in the Central would of been used at the beginning of one's retirement not at the age of 65. Retirement Medical was included at 50 dollars a month per family, for sure that would of went up. Let's not sugar coat this this was a money grab.
This was an attempt by UPS to save money to compete with lower cost competition. You want to call that a money grab, so be it. For the record, UPS was not trying to get out of its liability (they knew they could not lawyer out of that), it was trying to exit the fund by paying off it's liability, with $2B in '97 (remember, that is above what it had already paid for UPS pensioners) then finally with $6B in '07. It is hardly UPS's fault the fund lost all that money in the '08-'09 financial crash.
The increase benefit UPS offered was not done knowing CS would have to increase their benefit. It was an attempt to get the members to vote yes on UPS', contract offer. Saying that offer forced the IBT to up the benefit with no way to fund such an increase is completely nonsensical. It would be like if you had your house foreclosed on because you could not afford the mortgage and you blame the guy you beat out on in bidding when you bought the house. "I only offered more than I could afford for this house because of how much you bid, so it's really your fault I am being foreclosed on now!!" Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? The IBT had the trust of the membership enough to take them out on strike without a vote on UPS' offer, they should have had enough trust to let them know they could not afford increased benefits without killing the fund.
The elimination of the UPS Retirement Plan in 2023 could be a result of the Central going belly up, it will free about 3 billion a year in contributions that would cover any losses with their agreement made with covering any any elimination or reductions that may occur with the Central's underfunding. The timetable of the next contract is kind of obvious (2023).
Again, UPS is trying to reduce its huge cost picture. I have a hard time believing it will free up $3B/Year, were do you get that figure from? Assuming they were putting away $30K/year for each management employee in the plan, that would be 100,000 management employees. Not sure there are that many, or that they were contributing that much. Either way, they will need to find ways to pay for the part of the CS liability that they are still on the hook for.