New Training Designed To Oppress


Resident Suit
That's cute . I wished I could have worked close to you, I could have shown you how to earn alot more than that a month and been able to sleep knowing you didn't have to be apart of treating others poorly to get it. You should have followed my lead instead of playing spin the chair. Oh well , at least you had those master degrees surrounding you. Sounds like I missed out. Omg. LoL.
With every post you reveal how you have no clue.


Nine Lives
We also work for a company that makes Billions (with a B) in profit every quarter.

The definition of "profit" is "after all the bills are paid".
But before dividends, planes, package cars, update facilities and buy back stock ... I'm sure there are other after-tax expenditures as well.

Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
Frigid my boy, I have a clue. ..don't be angry because you're no longer a Partner.
All that hate you have built up isn't heath for you. And with the cost of your insurance, you don't need to pay more. Just talk it out.


Go back to Current Events with that silly stuff, please! LOL

Funny, in Current Events, that statement would be credible.

Here, in UPS Discussions, it just seems silly.
but its true: everyone taking orders that they normally wouldn't vote to do to themselves. harassment. fear. sounds like a dictatorship if u ask me.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Sorry Jlemansk, I know what you are saying, but the contract means nothing with how week our local has gotten. You're not getting the big picture. They don't take age into consideration.... they slowly start building a progressive discipline case on you, and in no time, you will be at the panel looking like a problem employee. That's how these devious people work and believe it or not...sleep afterwards...upside-down of course.
I get what you are saying, and I have only seen them build a case on a few drivers, and those drivers created their own problems. I am not saying it cannot happen to a good employee, because it probably has, I just have not seen it happen. A person needs to file the grievance I mentioned, prior to UPS swinging the hammer. I have personally seen them go after a few drivers and lose. Matter a fact, I have seen center managers or supervisors moved or get fired after an erroneous witch hunt. A person can also file a harassment grievance, and send a letter to corporate.


Well-Known Member
We also work for a company that makes Billions (with a B) in profit every quarter.

The definition of "profit" is "after all the bills are paid".

Again with the billions. It's not billions for one person. Last quarter, if we took net income and divided it up among all the employees, it's 2900 bucks per person. Would everyone here have a better life if we put the company out of business and handed them a $3000 severance check?


Well-Known Member
These are called "write offs".

Here's a word that people think means one thing (get out of taxes) that really means another (lost money).

No one wants "writeoffs". The definition of a "writeoff" is an area where you spent money and lost it, which is why you're not taxed on it.

Even if the tax rate is 40% that you're "writing off", that means you lost 100 bucks to save yourself 40 in taxes. If businesses really looked to maximize "write offs" they'd be out of business quickly.


Nine Lives
Nah, you haven't missed anything frigid, if you haven't recieved your training you will. See they don't let the supervisors in on anything anymore until you need to know. I'm sure you are aware that unless you are a division manager or higher, you no longer are considered a partner. You are just as low as us hourly workers, only you don't have a union, your stock is just held captive 5 years at a time to insure you work as directed and not go anywhere.
A Division manager is not a partner either.
One has to be at VP level to be a Partner under the "Going Public" guidelines.