I can't think of one person at my old center who wasn't fired at least once. There was a time when they would fire you for looking cross eyed. I never saw any firing that stuck if the guy fought it. Firing guys was just another means of harassment to them because they knew it was a waste of time in the long run.
I know. I wasnt kidding. Management was so dumb at my hub with the harassment. It only made most of us do things strickly by the book. I think I added 3 hours a week to my route by doing this. Multiply this by several hundred drivers.
We had so many managers with mental issues. One tried to kill himself. A couple died of heart attacks before age 50. Most took turns taking mental health leaves . The smart ones quit. Some were transferred out. Then we would get rejects from other hubs and the whole cycle would start all over.
After I found out about all their problems I started feeling a little sorry for management.
A "little" and then they would screw with me again and then I'd say SCREW IT!