New York Legalizes Same Sex Marriage


Well-Known Member
I got no time for those groups that still think the earth is flat, or that Dinosaurs are still living among us, nor the Toothfary believers.
Not even those that believe in Adam & Eve and the apple story.
(You would think we wouldn't be eating apples today if that was true, and either would Christians, but because we sinned once, it's ok to do it over and over, again ?) - I suppose that's how mass murderers think LOL
Sane people do believe in Adam and Eve.... have no idea what wiener vendors believe in... I guess that we all came from some sludge


golden ticket member
Well, maybe you should sign a petition about Stewie (the baby on Family Guy) - he is definitly bi sexual !

Watching too many cartoon makes people think that cartoon characters are real people. Hang that petition on your cart at your next function and look out for the people with the straightjackets!
Well, maybe you should sign a petition about Stewie (the baby on Family Guy) - he is definitly bi sexual !

What does Family Guy have to do with Sesame Street? One is made for and marketed to young adults and the other to and for children.
My point is, there should be no sexual orientation education in children's programing. I don't want anyone telling the children that homosexuality is normal OK or prefered anymore than I want them telling them that it is wrong, disgusting and sinful. I don't want them making Britney, Miley or lady (yea right) GuGu role models either.


Für Meno :)
Moreluck, you said you like watching Piers Morgan.
Tonight he had Rosie on his show.

They talked about the GOP and how backwards the US is, regarding being gay and gay marriages.
Piers Morgan said, in the UK or even Europe, no politician would ever dare to speak against gayness, because they would be gone as soon as they spoke that way.
Same thing here in Canada.

Are you really that backwards as they said on todays Piers Morgan show ? \

btw: Rosie did mention that the 3 that spoke mostly against gay marriges during this GOP race were the first ones gone !
Coincidence ?


golden ticket member
Moreluck, you said you like watching Piers Morgan.
Tonight he had Rosie on his show.

They talked about the GOP and how backwards the US is, regarding being gay and gay marriages.
Piers Morgan said, in the UK or even Europe, no politician would ever dare to speak against gayness, because they would be gone as soon as they spoke that way.
Same thing here in Canada.

Are you really that backwards as they said on todays Piers Morgan show ? \

btw: Rosie did mention that the 3 that spoke mostly against gay marriges during this GOP race were the first ones gone !
Coincidence ?
Did you also know Rosie is mental? I listen to her as closely as I follow Roseanne and Nany Pelosi and Debbie Downer.

I turned on Piers's show, saw it was Rosie and swithched to Tabatha's takeover...........a gay woman's show. So it's not the gay thing, it's that I can't stand Rosie as an individual human being.