Well-Known Member
Or Vegas any given nightPsst Moreluck.
Even been to mardi gras? Its worse, and those aint gay people.
Get over it, the roaring 20's are long gone maam.

Or Vegas any given nightPsst Moreluck.
Even been to mardi gras? Its worse, and those aint gay people.
Get over it, the roaring 20's are long gone maam.
I think it would be fun to see all these people who think they are not discriminaters.......take yourself and your 9 & 12 yr. old daughters to a gay pride parade.
Some of the goings on are disgusting . Teaching sex in school is tame com[pared to these events. This'll confuse your youngins'.
I think I forgot to mention that I have as much disgust for the regular old married couple who feel they have to prove to everybody around them that they are sooooooo much in love. I don't want to see someone's tongue down somebody's throat while I'm eating dinner. Movie stars are big offenders here. I'm always saying, "For God's sake, get a room!" These are probably the people who cheat on each other or fight like cats & dogs in their homes.
Psst Moreluck. Even been to mardi gras? Its worse, and those aint gay people. Get over it, the roaring 20's are long gone maam. Peace.
Your arguments are further discredited by your own lack of understanding. Please tell us how mardi gras and Vegas have anything to do with the gay rights in America and how gay people should act responsibly just like everyone else. Oh and how do you know that gay people don’t celebrate mardi gras??? OMG, pure garbage assumptions just to undermine other posters, MAN!Or Vegas any given night
Your arguments are further discredited by your own lack of understanding. Please tell us how mardi gras and Vegas have anything to do with the gay rights in America and how gay people should act responsibly just like everyone else. Oh and how do you know that gay people don’t celebrate mardi gras??? OMG, pure garbage assumptions just to undermine other posters, MAN!
I think i found your new signature MO!
Your arguments are further discredited by your own lack of understanding. Please tell us how mardi gras and Vegas have anything to do with the gay rights in America and how gay people should act responsibly just like everyone else. Oh and how do you know that gay people don’t celebrate mardi gras??? OMG, pure garbage assumptions just to undermine other posters, MAN!
Im withholding judgement for the moment TOS... show me the bikini pic and I'll give you a verdict...lolSomething tells me im on to something......
gay marriage just another scam to provide lawyers with more work.
After all who are the one that write theses laws, get them put on the books and reap the rewards, especially when couples divorce ?
BABA, the house and senate are filled with LAWYERS and DOCTORS and they write plenty of laws to benefit themselves, and your worried about gay rights?
Is this why tort reform is always put on the back burner?
The republicans would like to see a CAP on awards for malpractice claims at $150K. In other cases, a CAP of $90K would be the highest amount of money a person could sue a doctor for. IN law, 44% of that 90K would go to the lawyers.
If youre injured by a doctor, and permanently injured, the max you would recieve is 150K.
No one knows the names of the first gay couple to exchange wedding vows. You should keep that in mind as same-sex marriage becomes law in New York: The earliest milestones on the road to marital equality were made quietly, privately, and far from any civil authority. The public recognition of gay unions emerged gradually, reaching wider and wider circles until finally even governments started climbing aboard. Contrary to the rhetoric you still hear from some of the idea's opponents, gay marriage was not cooked up in some D.C. laboratory and imposed on America by social engineers. It was built from the bottom up, and it was alive at a time when the typical social engineer thought homosexuality was a disease.
where did I mention that I was " worried about gay rights "?BABA, the house and senate are filled with LAWYERS and DOCTORS and they write plenty of laws to benefit themselves, and your worried about gay rights?