News we missed during the week


Strength through joy
[h=1]Student Suspended for Requesting Instruction in English, Sues College[/h]
[h=2]Fifty-year-old student Terri Bennett is suing Pima Community College (PCC) in Pima County, Arizona for allegedly labeling her a "bigot" and suspending her from school for asking if her nursing studies curriculum could be taught in English to make it easier to learn.[/h]The students were asked to fill out class evaluations in March and were told their answers would remain anonymous. Thus, Bennett indicated on her evaluation she would prefer "there were no Spanish in the classroom."
Bennett stated shortly after turning in her evaluation, Spanish was used so heavily in the classroom that she said she could not "concentrate." By April 3, Bennett claimed her learning environment was so challenging that she "followed PCC procedures and requested an interview with the Director of the Nursing Program."
Bennett's complaint alleges that, after she told nursing director David Kutzler of her struggles, he accused her of "discriminating against Mexican-Americans" and of being a "bigot and a bitch."
The next day, April 4, Bennett was summoned to a broader meeting of PCC staff where she was allegedly told she was "discriminating" and that she would "not get a job" even if she finished her degree. Kutzler allegedly took part in this meeting as well, confronting Bennett with her "anonymous" class evaluation.
On April 15, Bennett was given a routine progress report in which she was accused of having "ineffective communication skills." On April 22, security personnel were waiting for her when she arrived at school; she was suspended and reportedly "instructed to leave campus immediately."
She was given a letter saying her suspension was based on charges that her "presence on College property [posed] a significant risk of disruption of educational activities" and that she "engaged in discriminatory conduct," among other charges.

Article 28 of Arizona’s state constitution establishes English as “the official language of the state.” Section 3 states: “A person shall not be discriminated against or penalized in any way because the person uses or attempts to use English in public or private.


Well-Known Member

This goes along with West Point Professor Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and the subject of "On Killling." We have to be trained and psychologically conditioned to kill although as Col. Grossman points out, a very small % of the population is sociopathic enough to kill without feeling or question. Col. Grossman reveals some eye opening things about humans and human nature.

Psychologist Lt. Col. Dave Grossman On The Act Of Killing - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Arizona Student Suspended for Asking that Classes be Taught in English

A 50-year-old community college student in Arizona has been suspended -- her crime: asking that class
discussions be conducted in English.

When the nursing student filed a complaint about the issue, claiming that Spanish-dominated class discussions
were preventing her from learning, her program director at the college found the complaint discriminatory against
Hispanic students and responded by suspending her, even calling the student "a bigot and a b--ch."

The student has now filed a lawsuit.

The Arizona Constitution reads: "...schools shall always be conducted in English."

In light of this, it'd be hard to imagine the student losing her case.
Arizona Student Suspended for Asking that Classes be Taught in English - Taylor Colwell


Strength through joy
[h=3]Bloomberg News[/h] [h=1]Americans Giving Up Passports Jump Sixfold as Tougher Rules Loom[/h]Expatriates giving up their nationality at U.S. embassies climbed to 1,131 in the three months through June from 189 in the year-earlier period, according to Federal Register figures published today. That brought the first-half total to 1,810 compared with 235 for the whole of 2008.
The U.S., the only nation in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that taxes citizens wherever they reside, including Switzerland, as the government tries to curb the budget deficit.
Shunned by Swiss and German banks and facing tougher asset-disclosure rules under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, more of the estimated 6 million Americans living overseas are weighing the cost of holding a U.S. passport.
Fatca requires foreign financial institutions to report to the Internal Revenue Service information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or held by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest.
The 2010 Fatca law requires banks to withhold 30 percent from “certain U.S.-connected payments” to some accounts of American clients who don’t disclose enough information to the IRS. While banks can sign agreements to report to the IRS individually, many are precluded from doing so by privacy laws in their jurisdictions.
Financial institutions including Canada’s Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and Allianz SE of Germany have expressed concerns that Fatca is too complex.
“With the looming deadline for Fatca, more and more U.S. citizens are becoming aware that they have U.S. tax reporting obligations,” said Matthew Ledvina, a U.S. tax lawyer at Anaford AG in Zurich. “Once aware, they decide to renounce their U.S. citizenship.”


Strength through joy
Rahm Emanuel’s Handpicked Comptroller Guilty in Bribery Scheme
This week in a Cincinnati federal court Amer Ahmad pleaded guilty to bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery, money laundering and wire fraud. The feds say he used his Ohio government job to secure “lucrative state business” for his high school buddy in exchange for more than half a million dollars in kickbacks. Besides facing up to 15 years in prison, Ahmad agreed to pay more than $3.2 million in restitution and $500,000 in fines, according to his plea agreement.

Attached to the plea document is the federal complaint outlining Ahmad’s illicit kickback scheme. Even though he was Ohio’s Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Treasurer, Ahmad was the president of one company and partial owner of another, the complaint says. Those are the businesses that were used to funnel the state money. The purpose of the conspiracy was clear, the complaint says; for the defendants to enrich themselves, their friends and associates.
