NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Well-Known Member
The Left isn't even in power. You aren't saying they should shut up, are you?

And if a locality votes to remove what it considers an objectionable piece of history, well isn't that how democracy works?
That's fine, but the mob mentality that got many statues torn down is scary if that's the direction the Left wants us to go. The statues are symbols, and there's also symbolism at play when you see people kicking and spitting on those statues. Not the same thing as tearing down statues of Lenin or Hussein.


Well-Known Member
Purity tests? You mean like how if you don't stand for the anthem you're not patriotic or disrespecting the flag?
I haven't seen one kneel down protest being attacked by cops with German Shepherds or water hoses. But I have seen physical violence tearing down those statues. People have the right to voice their opinions no matter what side they are on. But we're seeing an active movement bent on rewriting history and reshaping the country by any means necessary.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What it comes down to is this: The proverbial table in which we are to come together to discuss issues was literally and figuratively built by Caucasian people. As was the Country. Albeit, on the backs of our African brothers. The fact that inconvenient truths exist in our history is why the powers that be are literally rebranding, rebuilding, renaming, everything that once was.
Fixed it for you.

Dominance of the weaker isn't anything to be proud of. I have no problem living and working next to anyone of any race, as long as we share a common belief in "Love your neighbor as you love yourself".

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Left isn't even in power. You aren't saying they should shut up, are you?

And if a locality votes to remove what it considers an objectionable piece of history, well isn't that how democracy works?
The problem is, no one is putting it to a vote.
Unless you think your current city council has your best interests first. Most are more concerned about being re-elected.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen one kneel down protest being attacked by cops with German Shepherds or water hoses. But I have seen physical violence tearing down those statues. People have the right to voice their opinions no matter what side they are on. But we're seeing an active movement bent on rewriting history and reshaping the country by any means necessary.
Nobody's rewriting history that's just a dog whistle by the alt right Neo-Nazi KKK. And if you think these so-called protest by the alt-right are peaceful you're more blind and ignorant than I thought.


Nine Lives
Not change it, but be aware of the circumstances and facts.

I’m not for taking down Confederate statues either, but we should be frank and aware of their history.

I’m not for changing history, but certainly I’m for being aware and knowledgeable about history.

Being ignorant of where we came from and how we got here is almost worse than erasing or revising history.

That sounds like something I would write.
Somebody hijacked Brownarmy's account! :confused2:


Inordinately Right
What upsets me is the purity tests being ascribed to literally everything.
Learning our history without being blinded by patriotism is some sort of purity test?
The verses we use for the Anthem capture a moment that's symbolic of the fight endured to create a country that was very different from the tyranny people came from.
The song was written during the war of 1812, we had already created a country.

I find it odd you would say the song is about fighting for a country without tyranny, considering the slaves Key's lyrics refer to had been living under tyranny in the US. They gained their freedom by fighting for the British, who had already outlawed the slave trade while we were busy building an economy around it.

Because it seems the Left in the U.S. wants that, and is actively trying to remove any reminders of what we were and what we came out of.
It seems the right wants to shut down any factual discussion of history and replace it with your revisionist blind patriotism version.

Why are you so butt hurt that people are talking about the history of the song?


Well-Known Member
Nobody's rewriting history that's just a dog whistle by the alt right Neo-Nazi KKK. And if you think these so-called protest by the alt-right are peaceful you're more blind and ignorant than I thought.
I've seen one alt-right protest that resulted in a death. I've seen numerous physical attacks by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, including rhetoric that got cops killed. And numerous shutdowns of conservative speakers across the country on college campuses including riots. The alt-right movement is minuscule in comparison but blown way out of proportion by the liberal media. Trying to suppress free speech and tearing down statues is very much an attempt to reshape this country, and apparently by any means necessary. And at the root of it are socialist/communist/anarchist agitators.


Well-Known Member
Learning our history without being blinded by patriotism is some sort of purity test?

The song was written during the war of 1812, we had already created a country.

I find it odd you would say the song is about fighting for a country without tyranny, considering the slaves Key's lyrics refer to had been living under tyranny in the US. They gained their freedom by fighting for the British, who had already outlawed the slave trade while we were busy building an economy around it.

It seems the right wants to shut down any factual discussion of history and replace it with your revisionist blind patriotism version.

Why are you so butt hurt that people are talking about the history of the song?
Are you actually saying we can put today's ideas on what was happening in 1812? And for Pete's sake the War of 1812 would've resulted in the British taking us back over if we had lost. The British were still dealing with the French, hadn't yet realized the greatest years of their empire where they dominated people worldwide.

What is concerning is using the racist tag to try to destroy every symbol of this country. Literally everything. And if given enough head of steam will attempt to destroy everyone who doesn't go along with it. This is right up there with Nazi book burning and blaming the Jews for everything. It foreshadows things to come if people don't stand up against it.


swollen member
And you provide cover for the evil being done. What does that say about you?


Nine Lives
It seems the right wants to shut down any factual discussion of history and replace it with your revisionist blind patriotism version.
That's :censored2:ing hilarious.
The left is all about rewriting and cleansing history per their own admission.
The only bit of history I can recall that the right tries to rewrite is that the South did secede from the USA over slavery.
At the same time, the left tries to put forth that the North fought the Civil War to end slavery.
Both are wrong.
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