
BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
yea they are the biggest polluters. but some of them probably say nothing about global warming and some do. ill take the latter.
If things are so bad why are they consuming so many btu's of fossils fuels? They want us on bicycles but they can fly around on private jets?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Strength through joy
If I understand the Paris Accord that Biden is so devoted to re-joining to save the planet, then why is China allowed to do this ?

Under the proposal, the country could add a large coal power plant every 2 weeks for the next 12 years, and grow the country’s capacity by an amount nearly twice the size of Europe’s total coal capacity.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If I understand the Paris Accord that Biden is so devoted to re-joining to save the planet, then why is China allowed to do this ?

Under the proposal, the country could add a large coal power plant every 2 weeks for the next 12 years, and grow the country’s capacity by an amount nearly twice the size of Europe’s total coal capacity.
Funny, the drive-by media always seems to overlook that key point?

If it's a raw deal for the US, the left is for it.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Holy cow the Hindu's be smearing global Greta!


Retired 23 years
Funny, the drive-by media always seems to overlook that key point?

If it's a raw deal for the US, the left is for it.
The last I read between China and India they are opening up 7 new coal fired power plants a week. Like ANYTHING we do here will make one bit of difference. How about leaving the ones going here now alone. GOOD CHEAP POWER for hundreds of years to come. We have came a LONG way in cleaning up coal emissions compared to the way coal was burned 50 years ago.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The last I read between China and India they are opening up 7 new coal fired power plants a week. Like ANYTHING we do here will make one bit of difference. How about leaving the ones going here now alone. GOOD CHEAP POWER for hundreds of years to come. We have came a LONG way in cleaning up coal emissions compared to the way coal was burned 50 years ago.
AOC, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the climate wack jobs never want to talk about China?