
Well-Known Member
Easy to move quickly when you’re ruled by a communist dictator who can jail or kill anyone he wants.
worldwide america does something pretty similar. in developed countries off the top of my head you have extraordinary rendition by cia to us blacksites in dictatorships. in the third world you have drone assassination programs.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
worldwide america does something pretty similar. in developed countries off the top of my head you have extraordinary rendition by cia to us blacksites in dictatorships. in the third world you have drone assassination programs.

I guess the US model of using CIA black sites and third-world drone assassination to achieve its economic and domestic governmental goals just can’t compete with China’s killing or imprisoning any of its citizens that it wants to in achieving its economic and domestic governmental goals at all, eh?

CIA black sites and drone programs actually have nothing to do with the relative agility of the US economic and governmental model at all. You just changed the subject because you had to.

Your continual knob slobbing of a genocidal communist dictator doesn’t help your argument. You and Xi Jinping should get a room. It’s gross to see here.


Well-Known Member
I guess the US model of using CIA black sites and third-world drone assassination to achieve its economic and domestic governmental goals just can’t compete with China’s killing or imprisoning any of its citizens that it wants to in achieving its economic and domestic governmental goals at all, eh?

CIA black sites and drone programs actually have nothing to do with the relative agility of the US economic and governmental model at all. You just changed the subject because you had to.

Your continual knob slobbing of a genocidal communist dictator doesn’t help your argument. You and Xi Jinping should get a room. It’s gross to see here.
china is quite disgusting too but for whatever reason their economic performance is relatively impressive. for example i think global poverty has only dropped because of china.

my point is america also has authoritarian tendencies, although it may not be at the level of china. for example, julian assange a non american journalist is being tortured in europe. if he was in america he wouldve been tortured worse i believe, which is why they didnt extradite him yet.


Well-Known Member
I guess the US model of using CIA black sites and third-world drone assassination to achieve its economic and domestic governmental goals just can’t compete with China’s killing or imprisoning any of its citizens that it wants to in achieving its economic and domestic governmental goals at all, eh?

CIA black sites and drone programs actually have nothing to do with the relative agility of the US economic and governmental model at all. You just changed the subject because you had to.

Your continual knob slobbing of a genocidal communist dictator doesn’t help your argument. You and Xi Jinping should get a room. It’s gross to see here.
in case your unaware, obama drone striked an american citizen abroad. im fully expecting some kind of new precedent under biden or whoever comes after.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
first of all obama only paid lip service to global warming just like he only paid lip service to the middle class or the constitution.

yes the idea of global warming can be used as an excuse to lower the middle classes standards and not the rich. but they can use any excuse to lower our standards and raise theres, and theyve been successful at doing this.

question is if global warming is happening whats causing it and what can we do? i think capitalism and govt are poisoning ourselves and the system doesnt work.

Hell the Russians drained a whole inland Sea to raise a failed crop.

Can't even feed their own.

Capitalism feeds the whole world....commie.

Commie, take a hard, thorough look around the world and see how communism is working out. Venezuela, Cuba, Africa to start. Report back. Truthfully.

Say, help yourself. Move to Venezuela....soak up the riches.

Report back on eating dog.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Doesn't matter what humans do. Our sun is in charge of the heating and cooling of earth
You're getting warmer with whose in charge, Tadpole.
His words: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.”--Genesis 8:22
Translation: Live it up. Burn fossil fuels. Get over it. The Man in charge says it will be fine.( It also means Democrats are idiots)

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You're getting warmer with whose in charge, Tadpole.
His words: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.”--Genesis 8:22
Translation: Live it up. Burn fossil fuels. Get over it. The Man in charge says it will be fine.( It also means Democrats are idiots)

Except for the 99% extinct......

Netsua 3:16

You're getting warmer with whose in charge, Tadpole.
His words: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.”--Genesis 8:22
Translation: Live it up. Burn fossil fuels. Get over it. The Man in charge says it will be fine.( It also means Democrats are idiots)
Your suggestion is to milk the planet dry with no concern for future generations?
I mean, that’s what we’ve already been doing….you know, since the industrial revolution
I just don’t understand the unwillingness to make changes in an effort to protect the health of our god given environment.

Poop Head

Judge me.
You're getting warmer with whose in charge, Tadpole.
His words: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.”--Genesis 8:22
Translation: Live it up. Burn fossil fuels. Get over it. The Man in charge says it will be fine.( It also means Democrats are idiots)


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Your suggestion is to milk the planet dry with no concern for future generations?
Not suggesting that at all. We are responsible to take care of what we have been given.
But, my opinion is that Global Warming is a joke to begin with.
We can emit zero crap into the air but as long as China, India, Russia , etc. aren't on board, America needs to burn coal, drill for oil, and run cars on gasoline.

Whatever we do or don't do will no doubt effect future generations, even if Global Warming is the farce I think it is, there will always be some other worldwide red flag that comes up that we need to scream "the sky is falling"

In case no one told you, here's some news, this world wasn't made to last forever.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Not suggesting that at all. We are responsible to take care of what we have been given.
But, my opinion is that Global Warming is a joke to begin with.
We can emit zero crap into the air but as long as China, India, Russia , etc. aren't on board, America needs to burn coal, drill for oil, and run cars on gasoline.

Whatever we do or don't do will no doubt effect future generations, even if Global Warming is the farce I think it is, there will always be some other worldwide red flag that comes up that we need to scream "the sky is falling"

In case no one told you, here's some news, this world wasn't made to last forever.
Developing, owning and controlling new renewable energy sources will help continue American economic dominance. Let China stay in the energy Stone Age with coal. Who cares if they want to spend more money on inefficient energy?


Inordinately Right
Developing, owning and controlling new renewable energy sources will help continue American economic dominance. Let China stay in the energy Stone Age with coal. Who cares if they want to spend more money on inefficient energy?
Such a clueless post.
China steals our tech, then their commie government subsidizes the production and floods the market with the sole purpose of making it unprofitable to produce here.