No Need To Work, Welfare Pays Better!


Well-Known Member
It gave people options especially people that have children and or underlying health conditions.
People will always have children and health conditions. What I can't seem to get across is if you don't have a healthy, thriving economy with full employment you ultimately can't pay for assistance programs. Other countries don't want to buy our bonds when we're printing money. Keep doing that and you get runaway inflation. That makes it that much harder for the working poor to get by because pay always lags behind. The CPI for April rose by 4% or so. That means an annualized inflation rate of about 20%. So money at the end of '21 will be worth about 20% less than the start. That's a killer for those of us on fixed incomes. And it didn't have to happen. Y'all's faith in the government's ability to control inflation, or deflation, is about to be tested.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My brother has been delivering for Grubhub for extra money and to keep busy. As we‘re on the phone he’s picking up a $3.60 cookie order from a place called Crumbl and a drink order from Mango Mango. I just want to know who these people are that have money to waste on paying Grubhub to bring them $3.60 worth of cookies? Millennials complaining that they can’t afford to buy a house? Spoiled Gen Zers? People staying home at taxpayers expense because they’re getting an extra $300 a week?
My brother has been delivering for Grubhub for extra money and to keep busy. As we‘re on the phone he’s picking up a $3.60 cookie order from a place called Crumbl and a drink order from Mango Mango. I just want to know who these people are that have money to waste on paying Grubhub to bring them $3.60 worth of cookies? Millennials complaining that they can’t afford to buy a house? Spoiled Gen Zers? People staying home at taxpayers expense because they’re getting an extra $300 a week?
They caught afford anything because they put their wants in front of their needs.
It's a generation I want everything now and I don't want to put my time into get it


Well-Known Member
My brother has been delivering for Grubhub for extra money and to keep busy. As we‘re on the phone he’s picking up a $3.60 cookie order from a place called Crumbl and a drink order from Mango Mango. I just want to know who these people are that have money to waste on paying Grubhub to bring them $3.60 worth of cookies? Millennials complaining that they can’t afford to buy a house? Spoiled Gen Zers? People staying home at taxpayers expense because they’re getting an extra $300 a week?
let me help explain some of it:


"Slow wage growth persists: Consistent positive wage growth has occurred in only 10 of the last 40 years.
Without the wage growth spurred by exceptionally low unemployment in the late 1990s and the last five years, wages for most workers would be lower today (in real terms) than they were 40 years ago.

1979–2019: Slow wage growth and rising inequality has been the norm over the last 40 years​

Wages for the vast majority have grown slower than their potential and much slower than for those at the top.​

Since 1979, “real” (inflation-adjusted) hourly pay for the vast majority of American workers has diverged from economywide productivity, and this divergence is at the root of numerous American economic challenges. Figure A displays productivity and hourly compensation from 1947 to 2018. After tracking rather closely in the three decades following World War II, growing productivity and typical worker compensation diverged. From 1979 to 2018, productivity grew 69.6%, while hourly compensation of production and nonsupervisory workers grew just 11.6%. Productivity thus grew six times as fast as typical worker compensation."

i arrest your face
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Well-Known Member
And yet many low wage people also count on cheap goods they can afford at Wal-Mart as well as a cheap lunch at McDonald's. Higher wages don't mean much if everything is priced higher to pay for it. Take everything back from the Chinese, make everything here at American union wages, and let everyone pay the higher prices. Let the rich get richer a lot slower with less profit. And everyone will bitch about their crappy manufacturing job. But at least it'll be an American job.
having union jobs is more moral than non union.

unfortunately capitalism prefers immorality


Well-Known Member
a person on welfare could do school and get paid at same time. its more productive than going overseas to shoot ppl's faces off and getting paid.


Well-Known Member
Yah, let's not go back to a time when people actually were virgins when they got married. * happens, there should be assistance to help in case it does. There shouldn't be tens of millions on welfare and not working when jobs go begging.
Here's what the comments I've read and what people are telling me are saying. That job currently offered at @16 an hour would in normal times pay half that or less. Now if they gave up their UC and went back to work there's nothing that can stop that employer from cutting that wage in half two weeks later leaving them worse off than before. And as long as the GOP holds the US Senate the federal minimum wage is going nowhere. UC on the other hand while it won't last forever it is however guaranteed money so they've decided to take the guaranteed money for as long as it lasts and take their chances after their claim is exhausted.


Well-Known Member
Here's what the comments I've read and what people are telling me are saying. That job currently offered at @16 an hour would in normal times pay half that or less. Now if they gave up their UC and went back to work there's nothing that can stop that employer from cutting that wage in half two weeks later leaving them worse off than before. And as long as the GOP holds the US Senate the federal minimum wage is going nowhere. UC on the other hand while it won't last forever it is however guaranteed money so they've decided to take the guaranteed money for as long as it lasts and take their chances after their claim is exhausted.
And studies have shown in areas where Amazon has raised its pay to $15hr pay at other employers has risen too. By the way the GOP no longer controls the Senate.


Inordinately Right
Here's what the comments I've read and what people are telling me are saying. That job currently offered at @16 an hour would in normal times pay half that or less. Now if they gave up their UC and went back to work there's nothing that can stop that employer from cutting that wage in half two weeks later leaving them worse off than before. And as long as the GOP holds the US Senate the federal minimum wage is going nowhere. UC on the other hand while it won't last forever it is however guaranteed money so they've decided to take the guaranteed money for as long as it lasts and take their chances after their claim is exhausted.
Which is why these left wing handouts need to stop.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
My brother has been delivering for Grubhub for extra money and to keep busy. As we‘re on the phone he’s picking up a $3.60 cookie order from a place called Crumbl and a drink order from Mango Mango. I just want to know who these people are that have money to waste on paying Grubhub to bring them $3.60 worth of cookies? Millennials complaining that they can’t afford to buy a house? Spoiled Gen Zers? People staying home at taxpayers expense because they’re getting an extra $300 a week?
If you earn more not working than working, most choose not working.