
Browncafe Steward
This brings me to my question with Red, you say 2$ a week for friend-timers but yet we're being told its 12$ per week. Is this another supplement or local issue because I can see 2$ a week being 60 million but 12$ would be much more. But at the same time even 60 million should last longer than 2 weeks. Please inform.
Pas i look at a nickle an hour is not that hard to donate for a strike fund for anyone to use. I dont think we could ever have enough of a strike fund, that shows the companies that were in it for the long haul and hopefully dters companies from pushing us to strike.


Well-Known Member
Pas i look at a nickle an hour is not that hard to donate for a strike fund for anyone to use. I dont think we could ever have enough of a strike fund, that shows the companies that were in it for the long haul and hopefully dters companies from pushing us to strike.

I understand the reason for having a strike fund and believe we need it rightfully so but I'm more curious about the difference in dollars. Again we're being told 12$ not 2$. A nickle a day is worth giving but again my question is, is why would it be 2 for you guys and 12 for us?


Browncafe Steward
I understand the reason for having a strike fund and believe we need it rightfully so but I'm more curious about the difference in dollars. Again we're being told 12$ not 2$. A nickle a day is worth giving but again my question is, is why would it be 2 for you guys and 12 for us?
Im in local 705 out of chicago, all of our contracts are seperate from nationals (freight, ups). Our contracts are different in ways to, we get no sick days. Hope that helps you, if i can remember i think i read something about $12 a month for the ibt, $12 a week is way to excessive.


This thread started by johnqpublic is right on the money. If a strike is called and we are forced to work by George the maroon, then SLOW down. It worked for our pilots and it will work for us.

I also disagree with ja1768. There ARE good reasons for striking. The bad part is that everyone loses in a strike!!

If everyone loses in a strike then logic should tell you there is no good reason to strike. The teamsters didn't lose anything during the strike. they had a nice little august vacation.

Don't underestimate the government influence in 97. They didn't invoke taft hartley. What they did was take both Carey and Kelly and threaten each with endless government harrassment if we did not get this settled quickly. You can look back at the settled contract language and see what a rush job it was.


Browncafe Steward
If everyone loses in a strike then logic should tell you there is no good reason to strike. The teamsters didn't lose anything during the strike. they had a nice little august vacation.

Don't underestimate the government influence in 97. They didn't invoke taft hartley. What they did was take both Carey and Kelly and threaten each with endless government harrassment if we did not get this settled quickly. You can look back at the settled contract language and see what a rush job it was.
Look how fast they came after Carey! Thats another reason i will never vote for another clinton!


Well-Known Member
Im in local 705 out of chicago, all of our contracts are seperate from nationals (freight, ups). Our contracts are different in ways to, we get no sick days. Hope that helps you, if i can remember i think i read something about $12 a month for the ibt, $12 a week is way to excessive.

I had a hunch, I feel the same thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Im in local 705 out of chicago, all of our contracts are seperate from nationals (freight, ups). Our contracts are different in ways to, we get no sick days. Hope that helps you, if i can remember i think i read something about $12 a month for the ibt, $12 a week is way to excessive.

Red, October of "97 we had $12.00 a month added to our dues to pay for a strike fund since it was depleted from the strike. The union said this was the only way it could get funded where we needed it to be. It was imposed on the body no vote.


Well-Known Member
The strike fund has about 60 MILLION IN IT NOT BILLIONS. If UPS went out on strike , and we were paid 200 a week, it would last less then 2 weeks.:blushing:
While I do not disagree with the math, how did you come to the less than 2 weeks. We do not send checks to non-union scabs, and the part timers do not get $200 a week do they. I have 3 months salary saved up. I am not blindly saying strike, but I am prepared if there is one. Every driver and part timer better start saving just in case.


Well-Known Member
You might be right that the fund is to pay 200-250 a week, that is what I thought back in 97 but the money was not there. I am sure the money is in Hoffas pocket or his big airoplane. Some of us in Central states are stilled owed money from the strike fund. You need to check it out first.
I got my $55 in 97.


Well-Known Member
In '97 I walked the line at the gateway facility here at night when most of our drivers were in bed snuggled up with their pillow's... I had planned ahead that year and had two weeks of vacation the first two weeks of August..... Like BraveHeart said "BE PREPARED" save a little now and it will be a smoother transition.... I never asked for nor recieved one penny from our strike fund back then because I felt it needed to go toward helping those that could not or had not saved for the strike....
PS Scratch about those 37 jobs there were only 34 and they are nowhere close on filling those YET!!:thumbup1: BC
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Active Member
i was a part-timer during the 97 strike and when we came back we had 100's of trailers to unload from daily pickups. now they have overnight to move some loads if they have to so they don't loose customers. they know a strike would kill them but they think they can scare us into not approving a strike-vote if it comes down to it. in the last yr. alot of the management in my district have left for dhl. and one i was friendly with said they company isn't gonna budge on some issues and thats why he left to hope to get lucky at dhl if we strike. food for thought. i'll approve a vote if it comes down to it.


Senior Member
I have 3 months salary saved up. I am not blindly saying strike, but I am prepared if there is one. Every driver and part timer better start saving just in case.
You have only 3 months salary saved as an emergency fund?
Everyone should have at least 6 months cash reserve saved.
Strike or no strike.


Agent of Change
You have only 3 months salary saved as an emergency fund?
Everyone should have at least 6 months cash reserve saved.
Strike or no strike.

Keep in mind I'm a lot younger and have a lot less responsibilities--bills, etc--than the average UPS driver. I know if I'm out of work a month, I'm OK. Two months, its a litte tough. By the end of three, I'm feeling pain. By four, I'm seeing red. This doesn't include the fact that I'm climbing WALLS in boredom/frustration. -Rocky


Senior Member
Keep in mind I'm a lot younger and have a lot less responsibilities--bills, etc--than the average UPS driver. I know if I'm out of work a month, I'm OK. Two months, its a litte tough. By the end of three, I'm feeling pain. By four, I'm seeing red. This doesn't include the fact that I'm climbing WALLS in boredom/frustration. -Rocky
No matter what your age, my only point is that everyone should have at least a 6 month cushion nest egg saved.
$#it happens, job loss, illness or a strike.


Well-Known Member
Least we never forget. We work for a Unionized Company. I was in the Strike of 97. I believe the last time we struck was 20 years ago in 76 or 77. I was not working at UPS at the time. We become complacent, that it(strike) wont happen to a certian degree. That was the mindset of most in 1997. People were caught with their pants down so to speak. Remember the old Midas commercial, " Pay me now or Pay me later". LOL I guess it should be "Save now or Pay later". I said this before, saving for anything is pretty much non- existent in America. People want to gorge themselves at the economic buffet of spending. Than they want compassion. Hmmm, I drive a late model truck(96) in order to save duckies for a rainy day, but than on the other hand my fellow driver goes out and buys the latest 4 by 4 quad cab, special leather edition, fully loaded, $40,000 ride. Enjoy it, because you just might be livin in it. You know who you are. Eat, drink and screw tomorrow. The day will come when its time to pay the piper. BC fan had some great advice. This is a warning. sincerely area 43


golden ticket member
This is a blurb taken from a Barron's article regarding the possibility of an interest rate cut tomorrow by the Fed..........

"That being said, United Parcel Service could offer further potential upside due to strong international growth, a continued recovery in its supply-chain business, and a potential early labor agreement with the also drive potential share-price appreciation in the near term as a major overhang on the stock would be removed."

It mentions a "potential early labor agreement".......I hope that means they know something we don't know.