Well-Known Member
"The older I get, the better I was" - John McEnroe
The balls were clearly out.
You can't be serious!
"The older I get, the better I was" - John McEnroe
The balls were clearly out.
I was a pt sup and now I am a driver....I like driving better.
Many people go into Part Time Management knowing that they will not get promoted at UPS, but that it looks great on a resume.
Many people go into Part Time Management knowing that they will not get promoted at UPS, but that it looks great on a resume.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I'm surprised there is that many open spots for supervisor positions. At our hub, there is more supervisors than workers. Yes, that is correct, highly outrageous. But that's UPS for ya. No telling what will happen next.
I discourage anyone from going into management. Not because I am a loyal union member but because of how upper management treats it's people. I just point to the full time sups in my building who have been hospitalized, on medication, or on some sort of stress related restriction from their doctors because of the working conditions. If you think we get treated bad you should see how they get treated. There is no future for a part time supervisor. At best you will get promoted to a full time supervisor in five years if you're lucky (it could be longer). As a fulltimer you will be subjected to daily verbal abuse, threats, and 14 hour work days. I look at the fulltimers in my building the nassau hub and they are all miserable. I couldn't imagine living a life like that. To be fair I don't know how bad it is in other buildings but here it's bad. I heard rumors that the fulltimers in Nassau are all under some sort of stress and depression medication. I would believe it too they all look like zombies with bags under their eyes everyday. Is that the life you want to live?
Come be one of my part time supervisors.. I will make you millions... In the mean time come to work in jeans so I can pass you off as a union worker...
i will cause HELL if you did that in my hub
I bet... Your hub sounds scary, just like the other 78 hubs/centers I've worked in... They are all the same.. But if it makes you feel better:
You're right I would never try that in your hub, your hub's local is so strong, they don't steal your union dues and turn a blind eye to contract violations like the other locals... does that make you feel better?
I bet... Your hub sounds scary, just like the other 78 hubs/centers I've worked in... They are all the same.. But if it makes you feel better:
You're right I would never try that in your hub, your hub's local is so strong, they don't steal your union dues and turn a blind eye to contract violations like the other locals... does that make you feel better?
Whats the deal? Do they just keep passing you around because no body wants you?