Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Retired 23 years
Ahhh the good old days.

No I'd like to keep my job.

The 1st 5 years or so we were more or less on our own. Our center manager had 2 centers and lived where the other one was. We NEVER saw him on Mon. or Fridays. Usually it was tues. wed. or wed. thurs. We had NO supervisors--only a lead driver who was just as much of an outlaw as the rest of us. We all could have been fired---many times over.


Retired 23 years
You're going to need triple bypass surgery soon between that and the roids and beer.

It's like you want to die fast, don't you?

My younger brother who has lived the life of Tibeten Monk, eats basically nothing but rabbit food, hasn't probably had 10 cigarettes in his life and very very seldom may have ONE beer had to had quadruple bypass surgery a couple of years ago. I also had an Aunt who never had a cigarette in her life die at 32 years old from lung cancer. Sometimes the cards are just stacked against you.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good morning, Fluffers!
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