Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
Gonna cherish my blessings. First, lady this morning on the other thread about her upser son, office sup literally got a bad news phone call from her mom right when I walked in to get some pants, (I cried and hugged her, what else could I do) and had to pull over for a passing funeral on my way home......

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I've never understood how person A being mad leads to person B sleeping on the couch. If person A is mad they are free to sleep on the couch. Lol
I have never got it either. I will admit though, with my ex, before I moved out, I was sleeping in the guest room. That was only so I could sleep in peace. He would wake me at weird hours wanting to talk. WTH?! I had to get up at 0400. Why would I want to talk at 1:00 in the morning?!?!
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