Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
This really makes me angry because they've done such a good job making DC beautiful again in the last 20 years and who knows what damage will result as a result of this. What do they possibly think they are accomplishing by protesting? Trump is President now. Thank god no looting is going on...yet.

When I was watching the motorcades earlier I couldn't believe how much things had changed. I haven't been there in years and its totally different now.


nowhere special
MSNBC has to whine on about how more people voted for Hillary and how Trump is (supposedly ) the least popular President elect. And how Trump HAS to bend over to work with Democrats.

Elections have consequences.


nowhere special
I don't have a problem with peaceful protests (no matter how stupid). What I have a problem with is protesters causing injuries and damages. They should be treated accordingly, IMO.

I love the new law in S Dakota where drivers aren't going to be held liable if protestors get injured while blocking traffic.
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