Now it all make sense...


Well-Known Member
This is so much more than just the sermons in question. I watched those videos you posted and those comments that were snipped out were just as vile after watching the entire sermon as they were on fox news. Barak Obama sat in the pews for 20 years listening to the hate speech this man preached. Now after watching those sermons, not only was it hate speech, but it was complete ignorance of historical facts like the election being stolen, to a complete misunderstanding of the ways of society today versus those of 40 years go. We just have video from the last 6 years, and I am betting this man has preached his hate many times in the last 20 years. Unless Barak Obama is Hellen Keller he can not claim ignorance to this man's true ideals. Just like you diesel, barak obama and Rev. Wright hate this country. You see it in their calls for change, the damning of America through the pulpit, and the constant flow of laughably false rhetoric. As this battle in the democratic party rages on I see a brighter future for this country coming next Nov.

I'M not a Republican.....That means I hate this country.
I support change......How un-American of me .
Good come back Brett.
Sometimes we forget what ignorance we are dealing with.
As far as Rev Wright, you seem to be confusing anger and fustration with the word HATE. You seem to be ignoring historical facts that Former REAGON Ambassador Peck and Dr Ron Paul shares with Rev Wright, only your bashing the method of the message being delivered. The only hate and distortions happening here is the spin and avoidance of real issues serve up by the right wing because they have no defense for their parties failures and will do and say anything to retain power.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Is the new liberal defense (in addition to the race card) going to be the "out of context card?" LOL! How could anyone defend this loon "Reverend" Wright and still have a conscious?

And Griff....during your attempt at a description of what Bush supporters are (which I'm not but I will gladly defend him in these situations) you failed to realize that your Liberal friends are the ones that dismantle the constitution. Your Liberal judges reinterpret the constitution to meet their radical leftist agendas. Your ACLU, as well as just about any other leftist, can't even get the First Amendment right for Christ's sake. OOOPS!...I'm sure I'll be getting a knock on my door by an ACLU lawyer monday for using mentioning Christ on this site. carefull with your finger pointing on this topic. Sometimes your own "facts" can in up being the that one errant torpedo that circles back around and hits you in your rear. :)


Well-Known Member
A true American patriot doesn't need a pin on his jacket and a "support our troops" ribbon his or her SUV. You are a brainwashed drone and you should be in a padded cell. If you support the Bush administration, you aren't a patriot, you're in favor of the systematic dismantling of the constitution and everything America stands for.

"The Constitution is just a piece of paper" - G.W. Bush

Posting a rant by Keith Overbite doesn't really help you with your cause. I agree that an American doesn't have to wear a pin on their jacket and put a ribbon on their car to be patriotic,but continuing to support a church that allows its pastor to damn America from the pulpit hardly falls into the patriotic category. Your padded cell reference does help show why you leftists are more associated with Karl Marx than George Washington. Opposing viewpoints, especially those that use fact and logic instead of emotion and conjecture, are not to be tolerated.

I'm not a big bush supporter, or even a big McCain supporter. All I know is that Barak Obama is wrong on just about every political stance he takes. Whether its universal health care, retreating from Iraq, or raising taxes he is dead wrong and does not stand for the true ideals this nation was founded upon. His pastor and church was the smoking gun that ties it all together. A true American patriot believes in the individual freedoms that allow people to choose what is best for them; they believe in a small government; and they have a basic understanding that free markets trump government intervention. Greater individual liberty were the founding principles of this nation, and both obama and clinton are guaranteeing us that we will have less liberty if either becomes president.


golden ticket member
What an idiot !! He makes me angry just listening to him. I can't believe Hussein O. wasn't influenced by that hateful talk. Obama is probably just lying low (not lyin' dirty like Bill C.) waiting to take over the country and turn it all into Islam or something worse.

Don't EVEN get me started !!:biting:


Well-Known Member
You better be sitting when I tell you this, but Jesus's skin tone is darker than the pictures you grew up with. Example , like the Davinci classic "The Last Supper", the artist portrays the group to look and dress like Italians...Monja...Monja...Thats a spicy meat-a -ball to swallow, isn't it?

People seem to think that Reverend Wright's comment that rich white people run America is "racist" or not factually accurate (speaking of which, can something be both racist and factually accurate?) So if he's wrong, who really does control America? Feel free to pick from the Jews (who are also rich and white), latte drinking blue state liberals, the Saudis, China, Japan, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, poor white people, middle-class white people, Asian-Americans, Mexican migrants, the Skulls, the Templars, Illuminati, New World Order, the Mob, the Catholic Church, etc. or whoever else. Just don't tell me "we the people".


golden ticket member
Don't worry D, I know about the skin tones of the region.

I have a friend who says Jesus is black and one that says Jesus is white. I don't know about them, but my Jesus is plastic like in the song....

"Well, I don't care if it rains or freezes,
Long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Through all trials and tribulations,
We will travel every nation,
With my plastic Jesus I'll go far.":wink2:


Well-Known Member
Just don't tell me "we the people".

Of course not. It doesn't fit your distorted view of our country. The answer is no one group controlls this country except for the small group of people that are elected each election cycle. They consist of blacks, hispanics, whites, women, etc. Just about everyone has a say, even if a small one, in how this country is run. The only regrettable fact is that a large block of the voting public is largely uneducated on the issues at hand. There would be a lot less support for politicians such as obama or clinton if people would just read into the issues more.


Well-Known Member
Of course not. It doesn't fit your distorted view of our country. The answer is no one group controlls this country except for the small group of people that are elected each election cycle. They consist of blacks, hispanics, whites, women, etc. Just about everyone has a say, even if a small one, in how this country is run. The only regrettable fact is that a large block of the voting public is largely uneducated on the issues at hand. There would be a lot less support for politicians such as obama or clinton if people would just read into the issues more.

No one group controls this country? Hmmm....... All I got to say is "SO" just like our 2nd string leader Dick has to say.

An exemplary leader, voice and representative of "We the people". Fortunately checks and balances are put in place because of opinions such as yours "large blocks of the voting public is largely uneducated on the issues at hand" ( but in reality disagree with your ideaology) therefore shall be cast aside and entrust neo-cons to govern us solely...:rofl:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No one group controls this country? Hmmm....... All I got to say is "SO" just like our 2nd string leader Dick has to say.

An exemplary leader, voice and representative of "We the people". Fortunately checks and balances are put in place because of opinions such as yours "large blocks of the voting public is largely uneducated on the issues at hand" ( but in reality disagree with your ideaology) therefore shall be cast aside and entrust neo-cons to govern us solely...:rofl:

He was clearly saying "so" in repsonse to the fact that many whackos say the war is not worth fightlng. The women immediately tried to make it sound like he was saying so because he doesn't care what Americans say.. bought it. Hook line and sinker. You just mischaracterized and put a spin on a very simple question and answer. That is standard liberal tactics. Crude and dishonest.


Well-Known Member
No one group controls this country? Hmmm....... All I got to say is "SO" just like our 2nd string leader Dick has to say.

An exemplary leader, voice and representative of "We the people". Fortunately checks and balances are put in place because of opinions such as yours "large blocks of the voting public is largely uneducated on the issues at hand" ( but in reality disagree with your ideaology) therefore shall be cast aside and entrust neo-cons to govern us solely...:rofl:

Its obvious your memory is very short. The american public supported going into Iraq in 2002. I don't know when that video was made, but government can't pull back on decisions such as those as soon as the opinion polls change. You can't start a war, and then retreat as soon as a few spineless people in the public change their mind. Accepting defeat in Iraq will make this world much too dangerous.

My ideology is correct. The checks and balances system is there to help keep government from becoming a tyrannical force, but if you would put down the latest issue of rhetoric monthly published by the DNC you would notice that I blast every argument you make with real facts. As the saying goes the truth shall set you free, and if more people understood the truth behind the issues both Obama or Clinton would have no room in this nation's political scenery. Keep in mind I am not saying that republicans would be the sole party for this country, but the democratic party would not be able to stand on the issues it currently uses as its platform. The Democratic party used to be a highly respected party, but as of the last 15 years is the laughing stock of most politically educated people. They are so closely related to communists that its amazing they garner any support at all. JFK said it right when he made the statement "Its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" Words the DNC no longer pays heed to.


Well-Known Member
["Its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"/QUOTE]

I've never agreed with that statement because I've read it like this.

"Ask not how your country can serve you and make your life better with more freedom, liberty and fulfillment of happiness but rather how can you serve gov't in your life fulfilling the needs and happiness of the gov't itself and advancing it's cause."

I guess it's all a matter of perspective.


Well-Known Member
Its obvious your memory is very short. The american public supported going into Iraq in 2002. I don't know when that video was made, but government can't pull back on decisions such as those as soon as the opinion polls change. You can't start a war, and then retreat as soon as a few spineless people in the public change their mind. Accepting defeat in Iraq will make this world much too dangerous.

My ideology is correct. The checks and balances system is there to help keep government from becoming a tyrannical force, but if you would put down the latest issue of rhetoric monthly published by the DNC you would notice that I blast every argument you make with real facts. As the saying goes the truth shall set you free, and if more people understood the truth behind the issues both Obama or Clinton would have no room in this nation's political scenery. Keep in mind I am not saying that republicans would be the sole party for this country, but the democratic party would not be able to stand on the issues it currently uses as its platform. The Democratic party used to be a highly respected party, but as of the last 15 years is the laughing stock of most politically educated people. They are so closely related to communists that its amazing they garner any support at all. JFK said it right when he made the statement "Its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" Words the DNC no longer pays heed to.

You blast every argument with real facts ? Ok Lets play Mythbusters.

First off, the video/interview was very recent, maybe you need to be reminded of our 5 yr anniversary in Iraq.

Fact check:
Brett says "You can't start a war, and then retreat as soon as a few spineless people in the public change their mind."

Truth: A few spineless people equates to 2/3 of Americans. How patriotic of you to bad mouth your fellow countrymen.

Brett says " Accepting defeat in Iraq will make this world much too dangerous".

Truth: That is a fear mongering right wing opinion. Certainly not a fact.
Besides Bush declared Victory in May 2003 on top of US aircraft carrier USS Abraham.

Brett says "My idealogy is correct"

Truth: Again, only an egotistical opinion. Certainly not a fact.

Brett says " The checks and balances system is there to help keep government from becoming a tyrannical force, but if you would put down the latest issue of rhetoric monthly published by the DNC you would notice that I blast every argument you make with real facts."

Truth: First half of that statement was starting to make sense as fact, then you debunked it with an obvious blinded bias opinion. Truth is you blast every argument with real bias opinions.

Brett says "As the saying goes the truth shall set you free, and if more people understood the truth behind the issues both Obama or Clinton would have no room in this nation's political scenery. Keep in mind I am not saying that republicans would be the sole party for this country, but the democratic party would not be able to stand on the issues it currently uses as its platform."

Truth: The truth is more Republicans than ever are crossing party lines and voting Democratic this primary season and the general election coming this Nov. Maybe you can fact check how many Democrats are flocking to the right wing red Republican platform besides Trader Joe Liberman.

Brett says "The Democratic party used to be a highly respected party, but as of the last 15 years is the laughing stock of most politically educated people."

Truth: You blast every argument with factiods.
fac·toid (friend
n. 1. A piece of unverified or inaccurate information that is presented in the press as factual, often as part of a publicity effort, and that is then accepted as true because of frequent repetition:

Bretts says "They are so closely related to communists that its amazing they garner any support at all."

Truth: Another factoid, another over the top statement. You can't even be taking seriously and claim to be Mr Facts.

Brett says " JFK said it right when he made the statement "Its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" Words the DNC no longer pays heed to."

Truth: JFK is turning over in his grave witnessing your constitiuency destroying our military, economy, earth and negleting our infrastucture and healthcare system.(Well the JFK part was my IMO)

Mythbusters has concluded you blast every argument with factoids and opinions which in my book dampens your credibility.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You blast every argument with real facts ? Ok Lets play Mythbusters.

First off, the video/interview was very recent, maybe you need to be reminded of our 5 yr anniversary in Iraq.

Fact check:
Brett says "You can't start a war, and then retreat as soon as a few spineless people in the public change their mind."

Truth: A few spineless people equates to 2/3 of Americans. How patriotic of you to bad mouth your fellow countrymen.

Brett says " Accepting defeat in Iraq will make this world much too dangerous".

Truth: That is a fear mongering right wing opinion. Certainly not a fact.
Besides Bush declared Victory in May 2003 on top of US aircraft carrier USS Abraham.

Brett says "My idealogy is correct"

Truth: Again, only an egotistical opinion. Certainly not a fact.

Brett says " The checks and balances system is there to help keep government from becoming a tyrannical force, but if you would put down the latest issue of rhetoric monthly published by the DNC you would notice that I blast every argument you make with real facts."

Truth: First half of that statement was starting to make sense as fact, then you debunked it with an obvious blinded bias opinion. Truth is you blast every argument with real bias opinions.

Brett says "As the saying goes the truth shall set you free, and if more people understood the truth behind the issues both Obama or Clinton would have no room in this nation's political scenery. Keep in mind I am not saying that republicans would be the sole party for this country, but the democratic party would not be able to stand on the issues it currently uses as its platform."

Truth: The truth is more Republicans than ever are crossing party lines and voting Democratic this primary season and the general election coming this Nov. Maybe you can fact check how many Democrats are flocking to the right wing red Republican platform besides Trader Joe Liberman.

Brett says "The Democratic party used to be a highly respected party, but as of the last 15 years is the laughing stock of most politically educated people."

Truth: You blast every argument with factiods.
fac·toid (friend
n. 1. A piece of unverified or inaccurate information that is presented in the press as factual, often as part of a publicity effort, and that is then accepted as true because of frequent repetition:

Bretts says "They are so closely related to communists that its amazing they garner any support at all."

Truth: Another factoid, another over the top statement. You can't even be taking seriously and claim to be Mr Facts.

Brett says " JFK said it right when he made the statement "Its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" Words the DNC no longer pays heed to."

Truth: JFK is turning over in his grave witnessing your constitiuency destroying our military, economy, earth and negleting our infrastucture and healthcare system.(Well the JFK part was my IMO)

Mythbusters has concluded you blast every argument with factoids and opinions which in my book dampens your credibility.

This was just another long example of a liberal misscharacterizing his "facts" to support his own conclusions. Another leftist tactic. Next......


Well-Known Member
The Democratic party used to be a highly respected party, but as of the last 15 years is the laughing stock of most politically educated people. They are so closely related to communists that its amazing they garner any support at all.

Well I can see where that comparison can be made but then when it comes to republicans, how would you answer this one?

Consider these few points:

1) Hammer was named after the Arm and Hammer symbol of the Socialist Labor Party

2) His father was a committed socialist and a founder of Communist Party USA

3) Throughout his life he (Armand) continued personal and business dealings with the Soviet Union

4) In later years he lobbied and traveled extensively at great personal expense, working for peace between the United States and the communist countries of the world, including ferrying physicians and supplies into the Soviet Union to help Chernobyl survivors.

And now for the grand finale, drum roll please!

5) Politically, Hammer was a staunch supporter of the Republican Party.

DOH! :winks:

Let's see, starting from our left, looks like Brezhnev and there's Comrade Lenin in the middle and OH MY! Look to the far right and it looks like Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Well he was a "STAUNCH" republican supporter but at the least a communist sympathizer too!



Well-Known Member
diesel- Its hard to admit that your wrong, but when speaking of factoid posters you only need to look into the mirror to see the biggest poster of the type on these boards. When you wanted a record of Obama being a racist I posted excerpts from his own books. When you claimed the middle class is sinking into a sea of economic woes I posted articles written by highly educated economists complete with government provided stats proving that is not the case. And when you said the democratic party is not a party invested in defeat in Iraq I posted quotes by democratic congressman saying how success in Iraq is bad news for them. Just about everything you post takes only a little searching of the truth to refute. I suggest that instead of clinging to your misinformed ideologies you should at least attempt to become educated on the issues before you post rants based on your emotional desire to destroy this country.

wkmac- I'm not looking for pictures on a mantle to make my point. You only need to study the political ideals of the democratic party and compare them to those coming from such writings as the communist manifesto to understand what I am saying.

The democrat's favorite type of warfare is class warfare. "TAX THE RICH!" is their mantra, although taxing everyone is truly their goal. Raising taxes is simply a form of wealth redistribution as any macro economist will tell you taxes do not add to GDP.

Universal health care is the window of opportunity the democrats have been waiting for when it comes to getting us more used to government directly related in our day to day lives. If the government were to initiate this they will be able to dictate to us how we can live, what kind of health care we can receive, and where we can receive it. Every decision we allow the government to make for us is a small part of our liberty that will be gone forever.

Never have I seen an American political party rely so much on that famous quote "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Although it is not mentioned much, it echoes from every policy and every speech that comes out of the mouths of hardcore democrats. The road they want us to go down is a slow road to despotism, and I only hope the American people will take a good hard look at these issues before they cast their vote this November. It doesn't matter who the candidate is on the democratic side as obama and clinton are both equally unqualified, and they both are in support of the same socialist agendas.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
diesel- Its hard to admit that your wrong, but when speaking of factoid posters you only need to look into the mirror to see the biggest poster of the type on these boards. When you wanted a record of Obama being a racist I posted excerpts from his own books. When you claimed the middle class is sinking into a sea of economic woes I posted articles written by highly educated economists complete with government provided stats proving that is not the case. And when you said the democratic party is not a party invested in defeat in Iraq I posted quotes by democratic congressman saying how success in Iraq is bad news for them. Just about everything you post takes only a little searching of the truth to refute. I suggest that instead of clinging to your misinformed ideologies you should at least attempt to become educated on the issues before you post rants based on your emotional desire to destroy this country.

wkmac- I'm not looking for pictures on a mantle to make my point. You only need to study the political ideals of the democratic party and compare them to those coming from such writings as the communist manifesto to understand what I am saying.

The democrat's favorite type of warfare is class warfare. "TAX THE RICH!" is their mantra, although taxing everyone is truly their goal. Raising taxes is simply a form of wealth redistribution as any macro economist will tell you taxes do not add to GDP.

Universal health care is the window of opportunity the democrats have been waiting for when it comes to getting us more used to government directly related in our day to day lives. If the government were to initiate this they will be able to dictate to us how we can live, what kind of health care we can receive, and where we can receive it. Every decision we allow the government to make for us is a small part of our liberty that will be gone forever.

Never have I seen an American political party rely so much on that famous quote "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Although it is not mentioned much, it echoes from every policy and every speech that comes out of the mouths of hardcore democrats. The road they want us to go down is a slow road to despotism, and I only hope the American people will take a good hard look at these issues before they cast their vote this November. It doesn't matter who the candidate is on the democratic side as obama and clinton are both equally unqualified, and they both are in support of the same socialist agendas.

I would have added to your rep points for this one but I "have to spread it around" first. Good posting. I totally agree.