Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This will be my last response to you:

I hope you enjoy paying severely high taxes. I hope you love that all that tax money will be going toward HELPING lazy people to be lazier. I hope you understand sharing the wealth is no longer freedom. I hope you understand free health care will cost you not only money but the quality of health care. I hope you will change your mind before you vote for a complete unknown mystery to LEAD AND CONTROL this country. I hope you loved the Constitution and what it stands for and what all those soldiers stand for, because the first few steps of a liberal Government will be to strip it away.

Just in case he wins:

I salute you my socialist comrade!

Alas, a defeat speech. I love it.

Ok, I hear ya, your scared. Its funny though, GW BUSH has stripped away many of your constitutional rights already that you had 8 years ago and you and the "certain" others on this board accepted that with no problems.

My taxes will have to go up someday to cover the huge deficit your conservative president and his party ran up. "read my lips, no new taxes" was the sentence of the day in 1988. Too bad the Reagan deficit made it impossible to keep that promise.

Today, we dont and probably will never know the depth of the damage done to this country by Bush and his party. I am sure you are happy watching your friends, family and relatives lose their jobs and their homes.

I know, I know, you have an excuse to blame the homeowners.

Its cool, for me, I will rejoice the day all children will have healthcare in this country even if I have to pay a bit more to cover the costs.

If they are illegal, well then maybe enforcing the laws on the books and punishing the republican business owners for hiring them in the first place should be in order.

Obama is no mystery for me my friend, he's a constitutional scholar if you did'nt know.

As for soldiers, they dont run this country nor do officers or generals, maybe you think your in the soviet union, they work for US, the citizens.

They do what "WE" tell them, not the other way around.

For 8 years, a numbskull in the white house allowed the military arm of the country dictate how policy was run, but that is just about over.

Time for the "soldiers" to do what they are told and change the mission, not tell the american public what the mission is and to support it.

A liberal goverment gave you my friend:

1) weekends off
2) minimum wage
3) holiday pay
4) equal pay for equal work
5) free libraries
6) open roads to travel
7) the ability to go state to state
8) social security
9) medicare
10) pensions
11) workers rights
12) the ability to unionize
13) a free country for all people of color

etc etc etc....

Next time you knock liberalism and then take advantage of all that is provided by it, look in the mirror and see what a hypocrite looks like.


Well-Known Member
This would hardly seem a fair representation of the military at large.

More than 4400 were retirees, and the majority of those who participated were officers.

This quote says the poll is NOT SCIENTIFIC and no margin of error can be established.

This lopsided information is only a part of the mis-information designed to try and give the impression of military support for McCain.

Nice try though.

Nice double standard you have come up with. If you wanted a scientific poll to prove your point that the majority of the members of our Armed Forces deployed to Iraq support B. Hussein then why did you not post a link to one?

If you did not like the fact that the vast majority of retirees surveyed supported McCain then why did you just not exclude them? You would of course be left with 67% of active duty and 71% of reserve members supporting McCain.

Of course we all expect officers to support McCain over B. Hussein since in general they have a better education than the enlisted members. What may be surprising is that 67% of the enlisted ranks surveyed supported McCain also. Then of course you say well they surveyed to many older members of the force but wait 65% of 18-35 surveyed supported McCain.

Probably the most telling part was the question on who would do a better job of handling DOD issues and national security. 77% McCain and that is a very high number. It is also interesting that the majority think that character is the most important issue when choosing a president.

So anyhow I'll be waiting on your scientific polls from members of the military in Iraq.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Nice double standard you have come up with. If you wanted a scientific poll to prove your point that the majority of the members of our Armed Forces deployed to Iraq support B. Hussein then why did you not post a link to one?

If you did not like the fact that the vast majority of retirees surveyed supported McCain then why did you just not exclude them? You would of course be left with 67% of active duty and 71% of reserve members supporting McCain.

Of course we all expect officers to support McCain over B. Hussein since in general they have a better education than the enlisted members. What may be surprising is that 67% of the enlisted ranks surveyed supported McCain also. Then of course you say well they surveyed to many older members of the force but wait 65% of 18-35 surveyed supported McCain.

Probably the most telling part was the question on who would do a better job of handling DOD issues and national security. 77% McCain and that is a very high number. It is also interesting that the majority think that character is the most important issue when choosing a president.

So anyhow I'll be waiting on your scientific polls from members of the military in Iraq.

You should work on wall street, you have a great sense of number distortion.

The article posted said it sent out 80K "invitations" to "subscribers", not soldiers in the field as both of you claimed in your earlier posts.

Of that 80K, only 8470 returned responses or roughly 10%.

Of that measly 10%, the article itself disqualifies its findings by stating that the majority of responses came from retirees and its remaining numbers came from enlisted "subscribers" not active fighting men and women in theatre.

These people could simply be men and women sitting in barracks in camp pendelton or Fort Bragg.

By no means does this survey "sample" the men and women in theatre.

As for the military times, this rag hardly constitutes fair and balanced reporting.

I would trust the military times about as much as the president when he sez all is well in the USA.

The article I posted uses "ACTUAL" reported numbers from the fighting men and women in IRAQ, unlike the ones you've posted.

Ron Paul beat out McCain hands down, another insult to injury for McCain.

Try and post something scientific with specificity to IRAQ and I will consider your numbers.

Nice attempt at deception however.


Well-Known Member
You should work on wall street, you have a great sense of number distortion.

The article posted said it sent out 80K "invitations" to "subscribers", not soldiers in the field as both of you claimed in your earlier posts.

Of that 80K, only 8470 returned responses or roughly 10%.

Of that measly 10%, the article itself disqualifies its findings by stating that the majority of responses came from retirees and its remaining numbers came from enlisted "subscribers" not active fighting men and women in theatre.

These people could simply be men and women sitting in barracks in camp pendelton or Fort Bragg.

By no means does this survey "sample" the men and women in theatre.

As for the military times, this rag hardly constitutes fair and balanced reporting.

I would trust the military times about as much as the president when he sez all is well in the USA.

The article I posted uses "ACTUAL" reported numbers from the fighting men and women in IRAQ, unlike the ones you've posted.

LMAO You are joking right? The article you posted talks of 140 members who donated money while serving overseas. Germany? Italy? Iraq? Afghanistain? Georgia? Thailand? Are you now saying this is a scientific poll of members serving in Iraq?

Ron Paul beat out McCain hands down, another insult to injury for McCain.

Try and post something scientific with specificity to IRAQ and I will consider your numbers.

Nice attempt at deception however.

You are right about one thing the military times is considered to be fairly liberal by many soldiers.

I cannot figure out what your problem is with this survey besides the fact that it destroys your argument that the deployed military supports B. Hussein. We can ignore the fact that there are many retirees that have served in Iraq. We can ignore the fact that about 65% of the Army has deployed to Iraq. Since you picked Bragg I am confident the deployment rate from there is much higher. If our Soldiers do not support the mission I cannot help but wonder why such a high re enlistment rate in theater.

Have you found your scientific poll that you demand from me to support your position yet? Since you have not posted a scientific poll does that mean that you are wrong?

Anyhow thanks much for the comic relief!!!