Now we take off our shoes to go to work


Well-Known Member
We had a ton of stupid rules in the army, but theres a story behind every single one of them. If they're only just now forcing you to take off your boots its probably because they had some sort of incident prompting them to do so.


Turd Polishing Expert
They started doing this at my hub this week for part timers because they suspect people were sneaking phones into the hub inside their shoes, at least that's the excuse they're using. I'm no expert on metal detectors but I'm pretty sure you'd go off like a Christmas tree if you tried to walk through it with a phone in your shoe.


Strength through joy
Local 25 has always wore our uniforms home .
Story is that when the local asked if the drivers were to be paid for the time needed and UPS said no . The Local president made the call .

Many years ago when I was part of the pilot program for EAM , I had a sup from Chicago in my P300 and he was in a state of shock when we drove back from the airport to the building.
He saw all the drivers entering the building wearing their browns .

And yes we are responsible to keep them clean .


Huge Member
Every once in a while, the security guard will make you take your hat off to see if you had anything there. PITA but I guess you can't underestimate the criminal mind.