Obama bad for business

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

First let me offer this token of my appreciation for the post.

Now, lets examine what you posted. YOU SAID "Obama's new policy to crush small business..........."

Did you actually read the regulation before you posted this? Or does Town hall do the thinking for you? I read the article you posted from Town Hall and its garbage. It miscontrues the regulation and mis-informs people like you who copy and paste it to blogs like this one.

Here is the abstraction from the regulation first:

Title: Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers
Under Service Contracts

Abstract: Executive Order 13495 of January 30,
2009, Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts, establishes
the policy that Federal service contracts generally include a clause requiring
the contractor and its subcontractors, under a contract that succeeds a contract
for the same or similar service at the same location, to offer qualified
employees (except managerial and supervisory personnel) employed on the
predecessor contract a right of first refusal to employment under the successor
contract. The order assigns enforcement responsibility to the Secretary of Labor
and directs the Secretary, in consultation with the Federal Acquisition
Regulatory Council, to issue regulations to implement the order.

This has NOTHING to do with small business and everything to do with companies who get "goverment contracts". It doesnt mean anything more than those companies who are under a goverment contract for a service who hires a private business on the "original" contract, must offer that work to the original supplier and give them the right to refuse the work before it can go outside and hire another company.

So, lets say lockheed gets a contract for missiles and it hires a machine shop here in california to make some parts for those missiles, then, the contract expires and its re-upped with the goverment, and this regulation says lockheed must offer the work to the machine shop first and give them the opportunity to accept or pass on the work before they look for another company.

Pretty simple.

It has nothing to do with unions, payoffs or anything else sinister as implied in your Town Hall article. The idea is to keep people working and not allow a company to send the work out of the country when the contract expires.

I wish you would really sit down and analyze some of the things you say and post. It would sure help you out.



golden ticket member
..............."This has NOTHING to do with small business ......." (TOs)

The Title of the piece is "Obama's New Policy to Crush Small Businesses".. So you are saying since it isn't about small business that the author titled her piece wrong? Perhaps you should address your garbage to the author of the piece.....Lurita Doan. I'm sure she'd love to hear your criticism. Me, on the other hand, could care less.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
President Zero

It hasn’t happened in the lifetimes of anyone who isn’t eligible for social security.
Zero net jobs were created in the month of August for the first time since 1945. It is almost mind boggling to think about what may turn out to be this President’s singular accomplishment — ending a 792 month job creation winning streak for the American economy.
Historians will be looking to determine just how the Obama Administration reached this milestone?
What were Obama’s secrets?
Just how did he spend almost a trillion dollars in ‘stimulus’ funding and get to a very round number?

Read more at NetRightDaily.com: http://netrightdaily.com/2011/09/president-zero/#ixzz1XDO6sFMy

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And can you also give the # of regulations imposed by Ospasma since July ????????????????????


I asked you before to post the regulations that were killing small businesses and YOU and the OTHERS FAILED to produce.

All you can do is repeat what you hear over and over and hope it becomes as truthful to us as it has to you seeing how many times youve heard it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
..............."This has NOTHING to do with small business ......." (TOs)

The Title of the piece is "Obama's New Policy to Crush Small Businesses".. So you are saying since it isn't about small business that the author titled her piece wrong? Perhaps you should address your garbage to the author of the piece.....Lurita Doan. I'm sure she'd love to hear your criticism. Me, on the other hand, could care less.

You dont care because you dont want to accept reality. The article was a bloated misrepresentation of facts and you RAN with it like a hot potatoe and posted it on this blog and it was USELESS.

Find better things to do with your time.



golden ticket member
You dont care because you dont want to accept reality. The article was a bloated misrepresentation of facts and you RAN with it like a hot potatoe and posted it on this blog and it was USELESS.

Find better things to do with your time.

Again....in case you didn't understand it the first time.....if you've got a problem with the article, complain to the person who wrote it. You'd probably beat up your paperboy for an article you didn't like in the L.A. Times.


golden ticket member

I asked you before to post the regulations that were killing small businesses and YOU and the OTHERS FAILED to produce.

All you can do is repeat what you hear over and over and hope it becomes as truthful to us as it has to you seeing how many times youve heard it.

When I heard the # may be over 4000, I decided I don't feel like typing that many!!

But, in Mitt Romney's speech tonight in Vegas, his first act as pres. would be to eliminate all those new regulations and give businesses the incentive they need to hire.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When I heard the # may be over 4000, I decided I don't feel like typing that many!!

But, in Mitt Romney's speech tonight in Vegas, his first act as pres. would be to eliminate all those new regulations and give businesses the incentive they need to hire.

Just as I thought. You cant even name 1.



golden ticket member
Just as I thought. You cant even name 1.


“No other president has burdened businesses and individuals with a higher number and larger cost of regulations in a comparable time period.” President George W. Bush, they note, was in his third year before new compliance costs hit $4 billion; “President Obama achieved the same in 12 months.”

It's harder NOT to find an Obama regulation. Here, read it for yourself. 4200 was a good # so I wasn't far off with 4000. Your challenges are stupid!
You know damn well about all these sites already!

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinio...om_in_job_killing_jobs_lP8AiLkmJRnaIs8yqijGZL


this one mentions 212 regulations.... http://www.businessinsider.com/president-obamas-90-billion-regulation-2011-8

$9.5 billion in regulations in one month.... http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...95_billion_in_new_regulations_last_month.html

4200 new regulations in the Obama pipeline.... http://finance.townhall.com/columni...200_new_regulations_in_obama_pipeline-_so_far



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
“No other president has burdened businesses and individuals with a higher number and larger cost of regulations in a comparable time period.” President George W. Bush, they note, was in his third year before new compliance costs hit $4 billion; “President Obama achieved the same in 12 months.”

It's harder NOT to find an Obama regulation. Here, read it for yourself. 4200 was a good # so I wasn't far off with 4000. Your challenges are stupid!
You know damn well about all these sites already!

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinio...om_in_job_killing_jobs_lP8AiLkmJRnaIs8yqijGZL


this one mentions 212 regulations.... http://www.businessinsider.com/president-obamas-90-billion-regulation-2011-8

$9.5 billion in regulations in one month.... http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...95_billion_in_new_regulations_last_month.html

4200 new regulations in the Obama pipeline.... http://finance.townhall.com/columni...200_new_regulations_in_obama_pipeline-_so_far


Again with the talking points. I asked you to name 1 regulation that hurts small businesses without naming obamacare. YOU AGAIN FAILED.

Spare me, just give up.



Strength through joy
Jobs held by bhos; ice cream shop employee, interned at a law firm that requested he not come back, used connections to get another law firm to hire him, had to voluntary surrender his law license thus lost that job too, community organizer, then runs for public office.
Now were any a union job ?
Did he personally have to actually run any of these businesses ?
What does he know about hiring & firing people ?
Does he have a clue on why some businesses succeed , or why others fail ?


Well-Known Member
At least 25 top United States companies paid more to their chief executives in 2010 than they did to the federal government in taxes, according to a study released on Wednesday.

The companies — which include household names like eBay, Boeing, General Electric and Verizon — averaged $1.9 billion each in profits, according to the study by the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal-leaning research group. But a variety of shelters, loopholes and tax reduction strategies allowed the companies to average $304 million each in tax benefits — which can be taken as a refund or used as write-off against earnings in future years.

The financial data in the report was taken from the companies’ regulatory filings, which can differ from what is actually filed on a corporate tax return. Even in a year when a company claims an overall tax benefit, it may pay some cash taxes while accumulating credits that can be redeemed in future years. For instance, General Electric reported a federal tax benefit of more than $3 billion in 2010, but company officials said they still expected to pay a small amount of cash taxes.

The authors of the study, which examined the regulatory filings of the 100 companies with the best-paid chief executives, said that their findings suggested that current United States policy was rewarding tax avoidance rather than innovation.

“We have no evidence that C.E.O.’s are fashioning, with their executive leadership, more effective and efficient enterprises,” the study concluded. “On the other hand, ample evidence suggests that C.E.O.’s and their corporations are expending considerably more energy on avoiding taxes than perhaps ever before — at a time when the federal government desperately needs more revenue to maintain basic services for the American people.”

The study comes at a time when business leaders have been lobbying for a cut in corporate taxes and Congress and the Obama administration are considering an overhaul of the tax code to reduce the federal budget deficit.

Where Pay for CEO's Outstrips Taxes


Well-Known Member
Does President Barack Obama deserve credit for the fact that corporate profits have risen faster under him than during any other 18-month period since the 1920s?

“The better question is whether he wants the credit,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who was an economic adviser to Republican Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “Obama sounds a lot like he wants corporations to be less profitable.”

Profits have surged 62 percent from the start of 2009 to mid-2010, according to the Commerce Department. That is faster than any other year and a half in the Fabulous ’50s, the Go-Go ’60s or the booms under Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

And this part should set well in this crowd!

Under another president, especially a Republican president, the data on corporate profits would be envied. George W. Bush, who dedicated a good deal of his presidency to tax cuts aimed at boosting business profits, probably would have loved such results. It took Bush nearly four years to post the gains that Obama has managed in less than half the time.


Now before you Obamatons/demonrats start throwing the party, many of you have rightly screamed about the destruction of the middle class which is the heart and soul of small business not to mention a real working free market. On this part Obama is not doing so well and IMO that would be an understatement.

Nonetheless, noncorporate business has not thrived under Obama: Profits from those mostly smaller businesses are basically flat for the past 18 months, far worse than the gain under Bush and most other presidents just after recessions.

Problem is, nobody wants to call both Obama and Bush what they really are.



Well-Known Member
The economy remains moribund not because consumption spending has failed to recover and not because government spending has failed to increase, but because the true driver of economic growth—private investment—remains deeply depressed. Gross private domestic fixed investment fell steeply after the second quarter of 2007, and in the second quarter of 2011 it remained 19 percent below its pre-recession peak. This figure fails to show how bad the investment situation really is, however, because the bulk of the investment spending now taking place is for what the accountants call the ”capital consumption allowance,” the amount estimated as necessary to compensate for the wear and tear and obsolescence of the existing capital stock.

The key variable is net private domestic fixed investment—the investment that builds the productive private capital stock. Quarterly data through this year are not currently available at the BEA website, but the annual data show that an index of its real amount peaked in 2006, fell substantially in each of the following three years, and recovered only slightly in 2010, when the index showed net private domestic fixed investment was running about 78 percent below its level in 2005 and 2006. Here is the true reason for the recession’s persistence.

From Robert Higgs @ The Independent Institute, "One More Time: Consumption Spending Has Already Recovered"


Staff member
So when did the American business community become such a bunch of whiny, risk-adverse pusillanimous?


Strength through joy
oh, right after obamacare was finally released and read.
So many penalties and regulations were included that most took a let's wait and see approach.
Now they have learned that hiring just one extra person will add thousands of dollars for the gov't and nothing but headaches for them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
oh, right after obamacare was finally released and read.
So many penalties and regulations were included that most took a let's wait and see approach.
Now they have learned that hiring just one extra person will add thousands of dollars for the gov't and nothing but headaches for them.

This is the kind of nonsense that is spewed all day on fox news. Even without Obama care, one person would thousands of dollars to an employer. How dumb a statement is this?

The problem in this country is with guys like BABA, who believe the employers should not have to provide their employees with anything. On one hand, they support low wages and no benefits, they want each employee to pay for stuff themselves while at the same time, having their wages reduced and rights taken away.

On the other hand, when those same employees go to the hospital without insurance and have to take state assistance, they call them mooches, or freeloaders. Further, those that dont take any state aid go to court after racking up 100 of thousands of dollars in medical costs and file for bankruptcy, and the end result of that is to raise the rest of our premiums so the doctors and hospitals can recoup their losses.

Guys like BABA believe that personal bankruptcies should be for medical treatments and the current % of 81% of BK's are medically related is just fine with him.

No employer should provide for their employees according to the republican platform.

They use the term "personal responsibility" as the magnet to get people to buy into the nonsense. This country and its corporations are hurting this economy and the american people. In the last 25 years, workers have lost rights and benefits except for the union worker.

This is why the new attack on the labor unions.

Corporate profits are at a 15 year high under Obama in his first three years, and yet, those same corporations will not hire. They are investing in other countries, but not in the very country where their products will be sold and used.

If the corporations want to wait, we should boycott their products until the expand.

We the people have the power to change the country, the republicans have the power to put us into a ditch.
