If Obama is bad for business, then why after almost 3 years does a protest like the one this past Saturday
(and will continue into the future) take place?
I thought on the one hand this was the socialist or Marxist President? Or on the other, he was the President who was going to bring wildcat capitalism under control and regulate it all to be fair to the common man?
If Obama is so bad for big business, why is big business doing so well and
sitting on loads of excess cash? The consumers not spending you say.
Really! Funny how the Obamatons ignore this Austrian economist who actually gives some great news for their guy. Oh Wait! Why the need for gov't spending if consumer spending is now at pre-recession levels and has even passed peak pre-recession levels?
Uh-Ooooo! Now with folks like Dr. Higgs feeding the non-company line to the masses, how are we going to line Wall Streets pockets with more federal welfare and then........oh that's the kind of stuff those 1000's are in the streets protesting. Now I get it!
Funny how they have armed guards protecting the idol of Apis from being disfigured if not outright destroyed. Moses would be proud!