Obama is a liar!


Well-Known Member
Oh my God!! :biting: youtube videos? Everybody knows OBAMA has already won this race. Have you seen the polls? BUSH and the republicans destroy the country and they say "Reward us with 4 more years? GIVE ME A BREAK.

If it had been the Democrats that did all this damage can you imagine the price dem's would pay by you conservatives.

Nice try guys but this race is over.


P/S Unions and Republicans dont mix. Just ask Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Hanity, Or newt, Or Reagan. Burn your union cards boys.


Well-Known Member
I have thought the same thing. I don't believe in "wealth distribution". It didn't work in the Soviet Union, Red China, or Cuba. I think he is also in this for his ego too. He reminds me of a two-bit con artist.

Lets see, GW gives the "wealthy", tax cuts 7 years ago. New president comes in and rolls back the tax cuts to their original standards, and you call that wealth distribution and communism......lol Lets call it a mixed economy.

This is part of the bigger problem with the Dems

He is not the best the Democrats have. They thought he was their best chance to WIN. It is all about WINNING. It is not about what is good for America!

Another major error..... B. O'Bummer thinks he is smarter than the rest of us and thinks he knows what is best for us. This is where the elitist attitude comes from! He doesn't care what we think.

He also didn't care what 18 million other Dems thought when he put Biden on the ticket over Hillary. This is all on him! He was more worried that Bill and Hillary would try to undermine HIS authority that he couldn't put Hill on the ticket. He never once thought about what was best for America.

Besides Hill and Bill don't lean far enough left for him!

Here you have a canidate since the eighties with 7 or 9 houses, who knows, who's counting (he'll get his staff to tell us):wink2:. Probably has someone fill up his ride with gas, drive him around town, probably has someone do the grocery shopping for him, has a younger pretty women who just so happens to be a heiress to the Budwieser empire (who knows how much money she made with the sale of the beer co.) and you and Tieguy still calling Obama and his wife the elitist. Realistically how elite can one be as an insignificant community organizer.<---Sarcasm

I see you've sat in on discussions between Obama and Hillary. Sounds like you have first hand information as to Hillary even wanting the Vice Presidential position. Please share how you came to this conclusion. Enquiring minds want to know.

McCain is by far the more experienced of the two but, unfortunately, he could not have chosen a more inopportune time to run for President. Many people see him simply as a continuation of W and, while they may indeed share some of the same beliefs, McCain is by far a much more effective politician than W and will need to spend the next 6 weeks or so defining his experience and the differences between himself and W in order to be successful. His somewhat controversial choice of Palin for VP may come back to kick him in the butt or may be that little push that will earn him the Presidency.

I believe that the election will come down to who is able to show that they have what it takes to turn the economy around while not mortgaging our kids' (and their kids') futures.

Fair observation, but on the other hand racial motives will hurt Obama election campaign no matter how well he performs from now until Nov. So both canidates do have strikes against each other that we can't control.:peaceful:


Oh my God!! :biting: youtube videos? Everybody knows OBAMA has already won this race. Have you seen the polls? BUSH and the republicans destroy the country and they say "Reward us with 4 more years? GIVE ME A BREAK.

If it had been the Democrats that did all this damage can you imagine the price dem's would pay by you conservatives.

Nice try guys but this race is over.


P/S Unions and Republicans dont mix. Just ask Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Hanity, Or newt, Or Reagan. Burn your union cards boys.

I would like to say its good to see Diesel find a boot licker to help him. :happy-very:


Oh my God!! :biting: youtube videos? Everybody knows OBAMA has already won this race. Have you seen the polls?
Latest polls:

McCain leads Obama 45% to 42%

Seems the race is far from over.....

Ok, another Fox poll. Woohoo! Must mean McCain is winning.

How about using a bigger, better source for election tracking? FOX would have osama bin laden in the lead for the white house if he was a republican.

Take a look at the "moving" weekly averages to see where each candidate stands. Last monday, McCain held an average of a 2 pt lead over Obama as his convention "bounce" slipped away. This week hes down an average of 2 pts as the gleen of Sarah Palin fades away.

Speaking of Palin, the debates are coming up and the american voting public are just waiting for her to become Dan Quayle all over again! LOL



Staff member
LOL, Nice try. Check the polls today. Seriosly, Fox news or CNN

Seriosly (sic), I had checked CNNs poll first. But they had some convoluted way of combining only certain polls which showed no margin of error, AND had an undecided percentage of 9%!!
Makes it hard to be sure when the difference between the candidates is only 3%.

Here's the link

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Rock on Diesel96. Sounds like to me they know there about to lose to Obama.

Hey Mike,
You and D should go have a beer together at the local union hall and solve all the world problems. Rock On!

I'd love to join you, but John is having me over for a BBQ and I am going to take some pictures for his daughters blog.... no seriosly (sic)! ;)

Baa! Baa!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mike,
You and D should go have a beer together at the local union hall and solve all the world problems. Rock On!

I'd love to join you, but John is having me over for a BBQ and I am going to take some pictures for his daughters blog.... no seriosly (sic)! ;)

Baa! Baa!

Yes, enjoy the elitist BBQ cooked by personal chefs :bbq: serving top choice cuts of steaks, lobsters and caviar and you can down it all with some Dom Perignon champagne :happy_new_year: and Beer provided by Cindy McCain served by her very own Brewmaster from Budwieser.:cheers:

p.s.-- if your lucky, maybe Sarah will bring a slab of moose meat

BTW...having a beer at the local union hall is better than having one at the unemployment hall:peaceful:


Browncafe Steward
HMMMM, you want your healthcare, income taxes, security, and life in the hands of grateful dead followers. I didnt think so.
I liked the music too, somehow I thought of having a life, better than those.
Faithful yes, successful, No I dont think so. Although I am sure you can show me a few.:whiteflag:
Toon your a smart woman, ask that same question but insert mccains name. They call john a maverick because he stands up to bush all the time. Yet hes voted and backed bush over 90% of the time, which is it?


golden ticket member
Red....you've got to quit using that 90 % thing you keep tossin' out there. You may just find that those were unanimous type votes like whether we should honor Rosa Parks.....guess what, Obama voted with Bush on that one too. Get a new line!


Browncafe Steward
Red....you've got to quit using that 90 % thing you keep tossin' out there. You may just find that those were unanimous type votes like whether we should honor Rosa Parks.....guess what, Obama voted with Bush on that one too. Get a new line!
More we all know that they cant agree on 90% of everything, so to say alot of those votes were unamious is a stretch, little one but a stretch.


Staff member
Toon your a smart woman, ask that same question but insert mccains name. They call john a maverick because he stands up to bush all the time. Yet hes voted and backed bush over 90% of the time, which is it?
Never forget that he's a Maverick!