Many economists agree that Over9five should bring his lunch to work everyday to save money.
Many economists agree that Over9five should buy his lunch on-road to stimulate the economy.
Many economists agree that Over9five should skip lunch cuz he's too fat.
The problem is not to many economists nor to many economists with different POV, the problem is State control over economics for it's own ends and then using economists to drive this idea across the entire system. Your above 3 examples are all equally valid and in fact actually represent the economy some what.
If your little personal economy is tight, then bringing your lunch to save makes sense. Also the 3rd option of no lunch at all serves not only to thin your waistline but could also serve to fatten your saving account. But using these 2 examples of your personal life on a broad scale, what would need to happen if many people found themselves in their own tight economy and decided to bring lunch or even skip lunch to saved money or grow savings? Seems reasonable right?
Well what happens when this idea catches on, and this lack of consumption does the following. The saved money is used to paydown debt or goes into a saving account and in either case doesn't get spent back out into the economy. Your saving the price of lunch for your own benefit may actually harm the larger economy as the resturant owner doesn't add to his profits, the cook isn't paid and the waitess gets no tip. But look closer.
In order now to bring you back as a customer, the owner must drop his/her prices, cook lowers his wage and waitess accepts less tip in order to compete with the economic balnace of your personal economy. But there is a 3rd and great interest hidden here and this is where the rubber meets the road in all of this.
You may benefit by paying down debt just as it would benefit all Americans to paydown debt but this creates the nightmare scenario for the great hidden hand. If the resturant owner reduces profits, the cook reduces wages and waitess reduces tips to gain your business, the gov't also recieves a reduction in tax revs. As this all happens, the dollar actually gains strength as it now buys more than it did before. This is good in one sense for trade but also for the poor and fixed income but here's where it get's really messy.
The state run economy bases itself of the idea of debt and one of the beliefs is that debt is OK no matter what the level as long as the debt to GDP ratio remains low. But what happens to GDP in your little economy regarding the local resturant? As prices drop, debt does not so as a ratio to their own GDP if you will, debt service becomes a larger and larger factor and if they are unable to somehow manage that debt, the resturant has to close and enter Chapter 7. In booming times of high profits, debt can get very cheap and even seductive so the borrower tends to over extend but if the economy is overheating, the debt resets to the cheap again and therefore people borrow even more. Gov't likes this because tax revs go way up beyond normal and instead of them paying down debt which would cool of the overheating, gov't spends money on giveaway programs to circulate back into the system. Everyone loves this cycle of good times but laws on economics show at some point a peak will hit and then as fast as it went up, even faster it will come back down. To make matters even worse, gov't policy manipulate interest rates that stimulate borrowing and discourage savings all to keep the economic heater fed.
On a broader scale, private debt in this country is beyond reasonable measure and therefore the need to paydown debt is obvious. This belt tightening places pressure to drop prices which also effect company profits and on a longer term basis place pressures on wages. Ask a UPS manager about his wage pressures and don't think for a moment if this wears on, we won't come into play either at some point. All this is a 2 front assault on the third hand of economics in the form of gov't as first the reduction in tax revenues and to add insult to injury the out of balance debt to GDP ratio so many wrongly IMO cling too. The reason the wrong is evident right now.
Gov't is now forced in order to preserve it's own self interests over yours to push you back into consumerism to keep the float going and also gov't is turning on the printing presses of money in order to use inflation to rebalance the debt to GDP because inflation will halt the downward prices and then the price esculation to come will rebalance the grand ratio everyone clings too.
In the meantime, by reinflating the bubble to solve the current criris, they make the bubble bigger and therefore in later years when that bubble busts, the measures to solve that crisis will have be even greater and most lilkely more draconian.
While economics have very fixed laws of cause and effect, the State because of political interests of both sides have manipulated the economy for it's own ends and therefore will now do so to the greater longtem peril of ourselves and coming generations. You can find an economist to advocate almost anything you like but it doesn't negect the known laws of economics. Your situation above is not unlike that of a lot of Americans right now but yet, it's in the govt's best interest that you maintian that condition rather than improving your own personal economy so that being the case, will the decisions of gov't in the longrun truly benefit you or any of us for that matter?
That's something you wil have to answer for yourself.