Obama? Really?


Well-Known Member
My president is a black guy and I voted for him and am campaigning for him. Race means nothing it all about how republicans wage war on unions. Look at Indiana and Wisconsin. That :censored2: is bad news for my livelyhood. I'm going to fight them tooth and nail. This country needs unions not union bashers.

I hate to break your delusions of how government works, but its not the president (democrat or republican) who is going to make or break unions. Its who you vote into congress that will make those decisions. And ultimately, union support or lack thereof, is going to be based on how the American public perceives labor unions.

It's crazy how easy it is for people to just point at a politician or political party and blame EVERYTHING thats wrong in this country on that one person or political party. I would hate to see where this country would be today if just one political party (republican or democrat) had control of it from the beginning. The truth is that we need both!

even though I greatly appreciate the Teamsters and what they have provided for me, I realize that the issue of Labor unions is greatly outweighed by other more important issues. Issues that aren't about money, but about values.


Well-Known Member
It's not a scare tactic from Obama. You can watch *****t RobMe on YouTube bash unions and make his case why America would be better off without them. NO THANKS! Wake up union members! Don't vote for that magic underwear wearing fool.


Livin the cardboard dream
Jesus Chri....does anyone fact check what the talking heads say? If you make 100K a year, you are well within the limits. The tax increase are for individuals making 200k a year individually and 250k a year as a family. Honestly, is 1% going to hurt someone making 200k a year? 2 thousand out of 200k...fair is fair though so 2g's out of 145k...still not doing too bad. Now...that aside the government needs to reorganize in the worst way. If the government didn't have their hands in every freakin part of our lives we'd be golden. As much as I think Obamacare has some good ideas and seems to be a good help, it's not the FEDERAL governments job to legislate it. It's not the feds job to make sure birth control gets distributed. It's not the feds job to do most things. The only thing the fed should do is maintain a military to protect our liberties and freedoms hold court and to keep us safe from outside harm. Nothing else. Everything else should be handled at a state level or even a county/city level. More efficient and it would get lazy people off their :censored2: and get civic minded and care about their local politics. Unions are hardly a terrible thing. There was a time when unions and management worked together to keep our companies on the straight and narrow. UPS needs the union. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will eat us whole. They eat their young in management. The companies that failed blamed the unions for crippling them financially when it was their government that crapped on them...not the union. When Reagan lifted foreign tariffs it was the end of us being competitive. When Clinton allowed NAFTA it was the beginning of our companies outsourcing. Rail against the correct problem. The union is hardly 100% of the problem. There is corruption for sure in the union, but it's not the reason companies failed. It's legislation that failed American companies.


Jesus Chri....does anyone fact check what the talking heads say\
The "big union" is simply caught in the middle. I would rather an individualist society than collective, personally. Some will agree or disgaree. Ross Perot was correct with the big sucking sound...however outsourcing was occurring well before that.


Livin the cardboard dream
The "big union" is simply caught in the middle. I would rather an individualist society than collective, personally. Some will agree or disgaree. Ross Perot was correct with the big sucking sound...however outsourcing was occurring well before that.
While I do like some aspects of an Ayn Rand type of society, there does need to be healthy limits set to the individuals. Rome and ancient Greece proved if you let the individual rich people run free you fall apart. So who sets the limits and who prosecutes them. There has to be an agreed upon body that will uphold an agreed upon law, otherwise you'll have a bunch of Batman's running around serving what they view is justice. A very minor government is honestly the best of all outcomes imo.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
My president is a black guy and I voted for him and am campaigning for him. Race means nothing it all about how republicans wage war on unions. Look at Indiana and Wisconsin. That :censored2: is bad news for my livelyhood. I'm going to fight them tooth and nail. This country needs unions not union bashers.

People like you are the problem with this country. You sail your country down the river without a paddle to protect your "livelyhood" and your union job. Like I said before....selfish. The irony here is that it's all about protecting your high paying union job and has nothing to do with economics, national security, let alone whether or not your candidate was ever even qualified to do the job and their first term performance is reflecting that. Meaning....it's all about money. Isn't that why you commies hate republicans so much? Hmmmm......


Well-Known Member
Obama may be good for the Teamsters but outside of that he is not good for the country, we gave him a shot and he failed, I voted for him and he has disappointed me and most who care about their families and our future, the campaign in my opinion is race based, I am Hispanic and could care less if our President was black, white , Hispanic Chinese or whatever..the fact is he had made things worse, our insurance premiums keep going up, gas prices are up and he and Romney both have millionaire supporters so for those ignorant who say he is for millionaires should do their fact checking. I want change and will vote Romney and if he does not do it I will keep voting for the best oppty. that comes along until someone gets it right.


Staff member
People like you are the problem with this country. You sail your country down the river without a paddle to protect your "livelyhood" and your union job. Like I said before....selfish. The irony here is that it's all about protecting your high paying union job and has nothing to do with economics, national security, let alone whether or not your candidate was ever even qualified to do the job and their first term performance is reflecting that. Meaning....it's all about money. Isn't that why you commies hate republicans so much? Hmmmm......
It's the selfishness of the House republicans and their desire to obstruct and wrest total power that plays as much into the last four years as anything. No, I don't expect you to agree. You and all the rest of the "real" Americans.


golden ticket member
It's the selfishness of the House republicans and their desire to obstruct and wrest total power that plays as much into the last four years as anything. No, I don't expect you to agree. You and all the rest of the "real" Americans.
On can only assume when Obama had 2 years of no 'blockages', he got everythig done that he wanted to do.
The hell with immigration, the deficit, the other promises. He got his beloved health care . Like Biden said it's a B.friend.D. !!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
The most important aspect of presidential elections is Supreme Court judges. Everything else is bush league. As a liberal, is Obama my hero? Not even close. On many decisions of his, he has greatly disappointed me. But the fact is, Obama will appoint Supreme Court judges that favor middle class people, like EVERY SINGLE ONE of us here. PERIOD. Republicans will appoint judges that favor the state over rights, corporations over the people, and religion over individual rights. Which side do you fall on?

No one President makes a difference in the economy. If tax cuts make a difference, how do you explain the roaring economy in the 90's with tax increases under Clinton? Arch conservative, Ben Stein, was on Fox News this AM talking about the longest and largest growth in American history was between 1946-73, when tax rates were twice what they are now. The economy is bigger than all of us.

In the end, Presidents are all about the Supreme Court.


. Republicans will appoint judges that favor the state over rights, corporations over the people, and religion over individual rights. Which side do you fall on?
"favor the state over rights" what exactly are you trying to say?

corporations are people.

religion over individual rights.. we know that's a cue for abortion and, it's a fairly minor social squabble compared to markets and economies, jobless rate, etc.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Religion over individual rights...abortion is only one piece of the puzzle. Gay marriage is another. Why should I care, or what business is it of the government's who can and can't get married? Basically, when religion comes anywhere near the law. That is what it means.

Corporations are people. Yes. You just made my point. Because of a 1819 Supreme Court decision, corporations not only have the same rights as a person, they also have more rights than an individual. Great news! Unless you're getting rolled by a corporation, or they can use legal bribery in the name of being a 'person'.

State over rights? How about how privacy always gets the shaft with our conservative courts, What about eminent domain abuse? You cool with all that?

Tax cuts don't help the economy anymore than Clinton 'helped' the economy roar in the 90's. The fact is, a war makes the economy roar more than any political philosophy. I would put tax cuts on the same plane as a stimulus. They are only band-aids. The engine of the economy can hiccup from the political touch, but those pistons will drive the way they want to, politics be damned.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
And the fact Bush went to war without paying for it might explain why we had a bump in the economy, before he drove us straight into a cement bridge...

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's the selfishness of the House republicans and their desire to obstruct and wrest total power that plays as much into the last four years as anything. No, I don't expect you to agree. You and all the rest of the "real" Americans.

Thats odd considering the house republicans didn't even have power until two years ago! LOL! People PLEASE don't comment about things you know nothing about. LOL!


Age quod agis
I am tired of the babies crying about Student Loans.
I am still paying on Sallie Mae consolidated student loan.

My rate is at 7.9%.
I could have lowered my rate by going back to school and pulling out a loan for Grad school.

I blame Reagan because he reduced the amount of free money / aid available for kids like me.
I blame the AFL-CIO for allowing my father to earn a wage which placed my family $175 over the required amount for AID.

I just wanted to WHINE.