People don’t understand what being part time means at UPS
People definitely don’t understand what part time means at UPS. You’re only guaranteed 20/hrs a week which would be fine if your steward uphold the contract. Then is would be easy to get another job along with working at UPS. Also depending on your hub you’re expected to have an open schedule ( ex. 1am to 10am) which makes it difficult to get another job. I’ve also seen people come to work and get sent home because their supervisor would claim they don’t have any work for them. Don’t even give you the courtesy to call you before you get there so you don’t waste gas or UBER fee. They also tend to change your start time in the middle of the night. Not giving you the 24 hr notice they’re suppose to give. If you have great stewards who uphold the contract then good for you. But unfortunately some don’t because the stewards want to have an easy job so they side with management against workers who don’t know the contract. In my hub they don’t even offer full time inside anymore because they only have two sorts now ( pre load and twilight) . Feeder jobs were sent to the smart hub and some people can’t be drivers because they may not be able to get DOT for health reasons. Some may not be able to drive because the hours drivers work may not align with home life. The only full time jobs are porters and those jobs go to people who have been there 30 plus years. And as far as being expected to have an open schedule, My hub for example, expects you to be available from 1am to 10 am. That’s full time hours but it doesn’t benefit them to make you a full time employee because the retirement benefits (PENSION) is different. If you are going to force people to work full-time hours, they should receive the same pension as a full time employee. When my hub had all four shifts it was easy to work another job along with Ups because you knew exactly what time you would be working everyday. The best part about working for UPS is the health insurance for your family which is hard to turn down. Again I must reiterate, one week you may be able to get 40 hours but the next week you may only be able to get 20. Also your start and finish time varies from day to day. The health insurance is what keeps some people around.