Obamaites, what do you think?


golden ticket member
Jake Tapper taking B. Hussein's press secretary to task.

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New Member
And, I guess you'd have us return to the days of "W"? No doubt. You want to be right, but you're Wrong, Wrong, Wrong...just like you were wrong in 05 about your hero Bush. We won't see the benefits of what Obama is trying to do to right this busted ship for some time. If we let you (Republicans) run loose...we may never see the light of day.

I am not a Democrat, but you left us no choice...and so far so good (despite your shananigans). I checked this forum for republican reproach or chastisement of Bush and haven't found any. If you can find the time to criticize this President, but not the last, how can anyone take you guys (and gals) seriously. Give me a break and Please wake up...soon.

Hats off to the President:peaceful:


golden ticket member
You're right, it'll be a while before we see the effects of the bill......they are slowly being revealed and they aren't beneficial! Obama will be long gone and laughing about what he pulled over on the American people. That's what we are trying to expose & fix right now.


Staff member


No It's not green grocer!
How can any working class, Union workier possibly still be a Republican after the events of the last 30 days, not only in Wisconsin but across the country? In case you all have not noticed the Republicans are trying to kill our very way of life by stripping all of our rights to Unionize. If ever there was an object lesson to show which party is with US and which party is against US, this should be it!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
How can any working class, Non-Union workier possibly still be a Democrat after the events of the last 30 days, not only in Wisconsin but across the country when the Dems ran away and did not do their job? In case you all have not noticed the Democrats are trying to kill our very way of life by stripping are rights to not pay taxes for goverment Union employees. If ever there was an object lesson to show which party is with US and which party is against US, this should be it!! In 2012, vote the Dems out and take our country back!!![/QUOTE]



Strength through joy
How can any working class, Union workier possibly still be a Republican after the events of the last 30 days, not only in Wisconsin but across the country? In case you all have not noticed the Republicans are trying to kill our very way of life by stripping all of our rights to Unionize. If ever there was an object lesson to show which party is with US and which party is against US, this should be it!!
Our way of life is already gone, thanks to harry, barry, and nancy.
Answering krob04 is a waste of time, he doesn't even have the courage to come back. Suits me fine, I love it when uberliftist come on here and tell lies then disappears.


No It's not green grocer!
How can any working class, Non-Union workier possibly still be a Democrat after the events of the last 30 days, not only in Wisconsin but across the country when the Dems ran away and did not do their job? In case you all have not noticed the Democrats are trying to kill our very way of life by stripping are rights to not pay taxes for goverment Union employees. If ever there was an object lesson to show which party is with US and which party is against US, this should be it!! In 2012, vote the Dems out and take our country back!!![/QUOTE]


You can't possibly be serious. The Democrats of Wisconsin did exactly what they were elected for. To protect the middle class people that elected them. The Republicans are the ones that are sneaking around in the dead of night without telling anyone, changing bills and voting on them under cloak. This bill has nothing to do with budgets, all you have to do is look at the passed version to see that. They stipped all the budgetary language out of it and left only the repealing of Union bargaining rights. Even you non-Union workers should be in fear for your futures. The Union pay and benefits have long been the measuring block for other wages, the more that is taken from US, the more you will lose in the future!!

Republicans care only for the big businesses that line their pockets with contributions.


Well-Known Member
Big business that provide you with a job, salary and benefits.
Unions do not create jobs nor wealth.
Government does not create wealth .
U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world --one of the major reasons why jobs are not created in this country.
Wake up !!


golden ticket member

Republicans care only for the big businesses that line their pockets with contributions.

Perhaps you forget about the 'sneakiness' of Dems. with the passage of the health care bill......

"Sneaky Politicians and Their Health Care Bill
While most of the US was sleeping on last Saturday night, out to dinner, or maybe catching a movie the sneaky politicians in the House passed the largest Federal bill the history of the US. The change that was touted by Obama in the 2008 elections is just a smoke screen and it’s simply politics as usual. The Blue Dog Democrats didn’t want to touch this bill but after some intimidation from Obama they got enough votes to squeeze it through 220 to 215. How does this relate to long term care you may ask? We’ll, wedged in the 1990 page bill is a government run long term care program called, are you ready, get this---Class ACT. Ironically the method that the bill was passed is anything other than a class ACT. The politicians know that it they passed this radio-active bill at 11:32pm on Saturday night they would have 36 hours for the dust to settle on the news cycle in hopes that the American people are so ignorant and would forget. By ramming this through in such a underhanded way they my friends have just kicked over a hornets' nest in the America people who will not stand for this kind of change."


Lue C Fur

Evil member
You can't possibly be serious. I was thinking the same about you. The Democrats of Wisconsin did exactly what they were elected for. Fleece the tax payers? To protect the middle class people that elected them. Sounds like the majority got sick of the Dems and elected more Republicans to take out the garbage and cut the debt. The Republicans are the ones that are sneaking around in the dead of night without telling anyone, changing bills and voting on them under cloak. If this is true (More Liberal lies) then it would be OK since the Dems have been doing the same thing right? This bill has nothing to do with budgets, all you have to do is look at the passed version to see that. Maybe the dems version did not cut the budget enough just like the joke that Obama proposed in Washington...kinda a Democrat thing...not really serious about cutting the debt. They stipped all the budgetary language out of it and left only the repealing of Union bargaining rights. Really...those Republicans are evil and hate the working man...only getting rid of the union barging rights...just aweful. Oh wait...i was talking like a Liberal. Even you non-Union workers should be in fear for your futures. I fear my childerns future unless we pay down the debt and stop giving out entitlments to all the slugs...oh and paying tax dollars to govt worker unions. The Union pay and benefits have long been the measuring block for other wages, the more that is taken from US, the more you will lose in the future!! I actully agree with you on that point...but unionized govt workers dont help my pay and benifits and only suck more taxes from the backs of hard working Americans. Keep unions out of the goverment.
Republicans (Democrats) care only for the big businesses that line their pockets with contributions. That is garbage and shows you are a one sided Liberal. Notice that i put "Democrats" just after Republicans. The same can be said for Democrats and anyone can see how much is contributed to each party. Maybe you need to look how much Obama and the dems got back in 2008 from big business. [/QUOTE]


Strength through joy
(Fox News) — Rory Reid, who failed a gubernatorial bid in Nevada last November, is taking heat for allegedly creating dozens of campaign accounts to get around contribution limits — a scheme the top state election official said could run afoul of the law.
Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller has sent a letter to Reid, the son of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and his advisers “in regard to potential violations” of state election law, pressing them to fork over records accounting for how the Reid campaign handled and distributed donations. The red flag for Miller was the fact Reid set up 90 political action committees all registered at the same Las Vegas address.
Miller warned that the information Reid supplies “may be used against you in an administrative, civil or criminal proceeding.”
The stern warning follows an investigative report by Las Vegas Sun reporter Jon Ralston, who found Reid guided $750,000 through the mini-PACs into his campaign account. The money originally was raised for the Economic Leadership PAC, an account registered in the names of two of his aides. But then, according to the report, the donations were distributed in $10,000 increments to the dozens of mini-PACs registered to one staffer and, from there, into Reid’s campaign account.


Well-Known Member
And, I guess you'd have us return to the days of "W"? No doubt. You want to be right, but you're Wrong, Wrong, Wrong...just like you were wrong in 05 about your hero Bush. We won't see the benefits of what Obama is trying to do to right this busted ship for some time. If we let you (Republicans) run loose...we may never see the light of day.

I am not a Democrat, but you left us no choice...and so far so good (despite your shananigans). I checked this forum for republican reproach or chastisement of Bush and haven't found any. If you can find the time to criticize this President, but not the last, how can anyone take you guys (and gals) seriously. Give me a break and Please wake up...soon.

Hats off to the President:peaceful:


Spending money we do not have
Both wars continue.
Gitmo remains open
Military Tribunals resume.
Tax cuts for rich -Now for all four years
Special interests groups alive and well
etc etc etc

Go back to BUSH ???? What planet are you on ?? I would call Obama Bush Light --but I do not want to be called a Racist !!!