Obamaites, what do you think?


Squeaky Wheel
"March 16, 2011
The latest posting from the Treasury Department shows the National Debt has increased over $2 trillion since President Obama took office.
The debt now stands at $12.6 trillion. On the day Mr. Obama took office it was $10.6 trillion.
President George W. Bush still holds the record for the most debt run up on his watch: $4.9 trillion. But it took him over four years to rack up the first two trillion dollars in debt. It has taken Mr. Obama 421 days."


"November 1, 2008
Never before in U.S. history has the national debt increased as much and as rapidly as it has over the past month.
Since September 30, the day the national debt hit the $10-trillion mark for the first time, the government has run up over $500 billion in new debt.
That’s more than the federal deficit for the entire 2008 fiscal year, which ended September 30. And it’s the most rapid increase in the national debt ever: over half a trillion dollars in less than a month - 23 days to be exact. The government’s latest calculation of the national debt stands at $10,530,893,033,778.21 - that’s $10.5-trillion for short. It took less than four months for it to rocket to that level from $9.5 trillion on July 21.
Less than four months!
To put it in perspective, consider this: it took the U.S. government over four decades, from 1940 to 1982, to run up its first trillion dollars of debt.
The second and third trillions were racked up much more quickly - each in just four years. And it only took from 1990 to 1992 for the national debt to hit $4 trillion.
On the day President Bush was sworn in, the debt stood at $5.7 trillion. Less than eight years later, the it’s within days of having swelled $5 trillion dollars on his watch - an embarrassing milestone for a president who considers himself a conservative and an advocate of fiscal discipline."

July to September 2008 added $1 trillion.
Sept. 30, 2008 to Nov. 1 2008, $500 billion, or half a trillion. If this rate had continued it would've increased $2 trillion in 4 months. In 16 months it would've been $8 trillion in 16 months.

Compared to Obama's $2 trillion in 16 months.

We were already on a train ride to hell when President Obama took office.


golden ticket member

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data ...

It's the congress that allocates and spends the $$$......Up until a little while ago, it was all Dems. all the time !!

The republicans amassed a debt of $2.9 trillion in 6 years and the democrats have exceeded this by adding an additional $3.4 trillion in just 3 years.

Sorry folks, the president can not buy a piece of bubble gum using federal money with out that money first being approved by congress.


Squeaky Wheel

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data ...

It's the congress that allocates and spends the $$$......Up until a little while ago, it was all Dems. all the time !!

The republicans amassed a debt of $2.9 trillion in 6 years and the democrats have exceeded this by adding an additional $3.4 trillion in just 3 years.

Sorry folks, the president can not buy a piece of bubble gum using federal money with out that money first being approved by congress.

"Study after study by the Media Research Center, the parent organization of CNSNews.com, clearly demonstrate a liberal bias in many news outlets – bias by commission and bias by omission – that results in a frequent double-standard in editorial decisions on what constitutes "news."
In response to these shortcomings, MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell III founded CNSNews.com in an effort to provide an alternative news source that would cover stories that are subject to the bias of omission and report on other news subject to bias by commission.
CNSNews.com endeavors to fairly present all legitimate sides of a story and debunk popular, albeit incorrect, myths about cultural and policy issues."

CNS, Cybercast News Service. "The Right News. Right Now."
Formerly known as Conservative News Service.

Well there's sure no bias there!
Why not just quote the Catholic News Service?

"A July 15, 2005, CNS article claimed that Democratic strategist Paul Begala said that Republicans wanted to kill him and his family. (The article is no longer available on the CNS website, but it is summarized by SourceWatch, and quoted in full on another website.) Begala vehemently denied this, claiming that when he said, "They want to kill me and my children if they can," he was referring to terrorists, not Republicans. CNS refused to retract the claim, insisting that "[t]here was nothing unclear about what Begala said." Then-CNS editor in chief David Thibault challenged Begala for his "unmistakable and outrageous coupling of terrorists and Republicans."

A January 13, 2006, CNS article assailed the military record of Democratic Rep. John Murtha, a former Marine who has heavily criticized the Iraq war. The article quoted people who were either former political opponents of Murtha or who were dead or incapacitated casting aspersions on the two Purple Hearts Murtha earned while serving in the Vietnam War. The next day, the Washington Post repeated the article's allegations. Critics likened the CNS article to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacks on the war record of Democrat John Kerry during the 2004 presidential campaign as another example of conservatives attempting to discredit the military credentials of Democrats in order to blunt their criticism of the Iraq war."



Strength through joy
(CNS) — The national debt jumped by $72 billion on Tuesday even as the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution to fund the government for just three weeks that will cut $6 billion from government spending.
If Congress were to cut $6 billion every three weeks for the next 36 weeks, it would manage to save between now and late November as much money as the Treasury added to the nation’s net debt during just the business hours of Tuesday, March 15.
At the close of business on Monday, according to the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Public Debt, the total national debt stood at $14.166 trillion ($14,166,030,787,779.80). At the close of business Tuesday, the debt stood at $14.237 trillion ($14,237,952,276,898.69), an increase of $71.9 billion ($71,921,489,118.89).
Since the beginning of fiscal year 2011 — which began on Oct. 1, 2010 — the national debt has climbed from $13.5616 trillion ($13,561,623,030,891.79) to $14.2379 trillion ($14,237,952,276,898.69) an increase of $676.3 billion ($676,329,246,006.90).
Congress would need to cut spending by $6 billion every three weeks for approximately the next six and a half years (338 weeks) just to equal the $676.3 billion the debt has increased thus far this fiscal year.

I don't know what his i.q. is. I do know he's an idiot. I don't care how many books he's read. Are you sure he was holding them right-side-up?

So you hang your credibility on an obviously edited video and a very possible photoshopped picture as your proof that GWB is an idiot. Thank you, now I am justified and passing off everything you say as ridiculous and unfounded.

BTW, if these are your criteria, I can supply a few edited videos of your messiah stuttering and stammering through 3 minutes of video and a possible photoshopped picture of him with a phone held to his ear upside down.


Staff member
So you hang your credibility on an obviously edited video and a very possible photoshopped picture as your proof that GWB is an idiot. Thank you, now I am justified and passing off everything you say as ridiculous and unfounded.

BTW, if these are your criteria, I can supply a few edited videos of your messiah stuttering and stammering through 3 minutes of video and a possible photoshopped picture of him with a phone held to his ear upside down.
Whether you like them or not, none of these guys are dumb. You don't make it to the presidency without some smarts and ambition.
Whether you like them or not, none of these guys are dumb. You don't make it to the presidency without some smarts and ambition.
That's kind of my point, I don't think either of the men we were talking about are dumb or idiots. I do not like 0bama but I do think he knows exactly what he is doing. I just don't agree with what he is doing. I also do not feel that everything GWB did was in the country's best interest. Having said that, I think both have done some pretty idiotic things, made moronic statements and displayed less than brilliant stances on important issues. But then, no one is perfect.

You forgot to add money and lies...

Those too, unfortunately.


golden ticket member
Oh yeah, 'dumb' is only for the Dayton Police Dept. ( if you're current with news, you'll know what I'm talking about)


Well-Known Member
David Swanson over at the Progressive/Left website Counterpunch in the article "Is Obama Even Worse Than Bush" made the following comment:

So why not impeach Obama? I clamored for the impeachment of Bush. I say Obama is as bad or worse. Why am I such a corrupt hypocrite that I haven't built a movement to impeach Obama? Well, I'll tell you, as I've told people more times than I can count. Obama should be impeached and convicted and removed from office. Obama should be prosecuted for his crimes. So should his subordinates. So should his predecessor, his subordinates, and all corporate co-conspirators.

Now read the rest if you dare to learn why!


golden ticket member
Anthony Weiner is heading a group to get rid of Clarence Thomas..........Weiner needs to 'ketch-up' with the rest of the world and 'relish' the diversity of the Supreme Court. You can't have 9 Kagans !!!


Squeaky Wheel
"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. :censored2: Hope.'" George Carlin (R.I.P.)


golden ticket member
Hubrat...tried to respond to you by PM and it said you're over quota and you need to clean some of it out to receive any new stuff.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Oh yeah, 'dumb' is only for the Dayton Police Dept. ( if you're current with news, you'll know what I'm talking about)

Lowering the test scores for Police and Fireman so they can get more minorites who cant past the current test. The current test was lowered for the same reason and is at 67% and they want to lower it to 58%. The NAACP is pushing it...go figure.



Squeaky Wheel
Lowering the test scores for Police and Fireman so they can get more minorites who cant past the current test. The current test was lowered for the same reason and is at 67% and they want to lower it to 58%. The NAACP is pushing it...go figure.

“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.

Funny that he changed his tune and wont talk about it since the president of the NAACP wants the scores lowered...i guess the Dayton guy did not talk with Benjamin Jealous. I dont have time to search the vid but FOX interviewed Benjamin and he wants the scores lowered.


Squeaky Wheel
Funny that he changed his tune and wont talk about it since the president of the NAACP wants the scores lowered...i guess the Dayton guy did not talk with Benjamin Jealous. I dont have time to search the vid but FOX interviewed Benjamin and he wants the scores lowered. In this vid with Megan Kelly and Bill O they talk about it:

Apologies but I have been unable to find this subject in mainstream media.


“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
The D.O.J. and Civil Service Board declined Dayton’s News Source’s repeat requests for interviews. The lower standards mean 258 more people passed the test. The city won’t say how many were minorities.
“If you lower the score for any group of people, you’re not getting the best qualified people for the job,” Foward said."


Squeaky Wheel
Obama does tend toward idealism. That should always be mixed with a healthy amount of realism. He's not near as extreme as some. He's a good guy, really. I can see where some of you think Bush is too. IMO President Obama wonders why he is so disliked, even hated enough to be called the Antichrist, unamerican, etc. His intentions are good. He needs help and he's been asking for it from us since the beginning. When he asked Clinton he got made fun of. WTF?