Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
No, but to hear you tell it it's only Republicans. Democrats have gotten us into the 4 biggest wars of the last century. And they're sounding very hawkish about Russia.
the conversation was about government socialism" and my point was republicans love certain big govt "socialist" programs


Well-Known Member
Providing for defense is baked into the Constitution. It's not socialist. Using your military to control your own population is very socialist.
americas military is used to controls its own and global populations.

and government programs dont have to be about control to be "socialist"


Staff member
Providing for defense is baked into the Constitution. It's not socialist. Using your military to control your own population is very socialist.
Taxing the population and then using that tax money to pay for programs (like the military) the serve the common good is socialist. The fact that it's baked into the constitution just means that the founding fathers had no problem with socialism. Using the the military to control your own population is authoritarianism, not socialism. The two are not the same.


Well-Known Member
Taxing the population and then using that tax money to pay for programs (like the military) the serve the common good is socialist. The fact that it's baked into the constitution just means that the founding fathers had no problem with socialism. Using the the military to control your own population is authoritarianism, not socialism. The two are not the same.
And yet authoritarian regimes are usually socialist. And every system has taxes.


Well-Known Member
And yet authoritarian regimes are usually socialist. And every system has taxes.
thats just your twisted view. capitalism is authoritarian.

adjective: authoritarian
  1. 1.
    favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
    "the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime"
    synonyms: autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannical, draconian, oppressive, repressive, illiberal, undemocratic; More
    disciplinarian, domineering, overbearing, iron-fisted, high-handed, peremptory, imperious, strict, rigid, inflexible;
    "his authoritarian manner"
    antonyms: democratic, liberal
    • showing a lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others; domineering; dictatorial.
      "he had an authoritarian and at times belligerent manner"


Staff member
Socialism isn't an either/or, it's a broad range of socio/economic policies that exist to some degree in just about every nation state.


Staff member
Who this thread is about supports full blown socialism. In other words a dumdum...
Not sure what you mean by "full blown socialism". I think the person in question definitely supports a greater degree of socialism than we currently have.