Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Staff member
You’re delusional.

Where in that platform does it say that these things will be "free" or "paid for off the backs of others"?

El Correcto

god is dead
Where in that platform does it say that these things will be "free" or "paid for off the backs of others"?
Whenever it is called a human right. Who do you think pays the salaries of guaranteed government jobs? I mean we are literally regressiving into communist territory here. Outcome equality.


Well-Known Member
Do some reading. The fundamental tenet of socialism is that everyone contributes to society, which is what you told rickyb to do.
Your line about "free housing, college and healthcare paid for off the backs of others" is a strawman that no true socialist has ever espoused.
The current pretty little socialist in favor is espousing free college. Obamacare provides very nice healthcare to the poor. Someone has to pay for it and in the world y'all envision people will pretty much be working for the government so that everyone will get distributed to them what they need from the government. Problem is when you take away the motivation to do better for yourself and family things start falling apart. Has happened everywhere tried. The EU is slowly but surely disintegrating because the more boldly socialist countries there are broke or soon to be, and the milder socialists there don't want to have to pay for other's mistakes. The post earlier in this thread where the fellow said the government doesn't need an income, it can print money, it'll never go broke is so misguided it's scary. And that's what Bernie Sanders et al are espousing.


Staff member
Whenever it is called a human right. Who do you think pays the salaries of guaranteed government jobs? I mean we are literally regressiving into communist territory here. Outcome equality.
No one says this stuff will be free, Bernie Sanders even admitted that his plans would involve increased taxes. But it's not "other people's money", it's "our money" paying for things that we all benefit from. College would be tuition free for everybody, not just the poor. Healthcare would free of charge to everybody, not just the poor. And "our money" would pay for that in the same way that "our money" pays for building roads, public schools, the military, etc.
FYI I'm not a proponent of "full blown socialism", I think a mix of socialism and capitalism (which is what we currently have) works best. I just get tired of the mis-characterizations.


Well-Known Member
The current pretty little socialist in favor is espousing free college. Obamacare provides very nice healthcare to the poor. Someone has to pay for it and in the world y'all envision people will pretty much be working for the government so that everyone will get distributed to them what they need from the government. Problem is when you take away the motivation to do better for yourself and family things start falling apart. Has happened everywhere tried. The EU is slowly but surely disintegrating because the more boldly socialist countries there are broke or soon to be, and the milder socialists there don't want to have to pay for other's mistakes. The post earlier in this thread where the fellow said the government doesn't need an income, it can print money, it'll never go broke is so misguided it's scary. And that's what Bernie Sanders et al are espousing.
government finance not comparable to household fin


Well-Known Member
The problem with socialism is eventually you’ll run out of other people’s money.

The only reason it takes effect is there are more losers and bleeding hearts than there are people that will accept the truth and responsibility for their actions and well being.
capitalism can run out of other peoples money as well. like ponzi schemes, debt bubbles, bailouts


Well-Known Member
Honestly if socialism does take hold, I’ll quit my job go to college for free, living in my free housing and bounce once I graduate.

Thanks for the handout suckers, off to contribute to a society that isn’t retarded.
arent you already?


Well-Known Member
No one says this stuff will be free, Bernie Sanders even admitted that his plans would involve increased taxes. But it's not "other people's money", it's "our money" paying for things that we all benefit from. College would be tuition free for everybody, not just the poor. Healthcare would free of charge to everybody, not just the poor. And "our money" would pay for that in the same way that "our money" pays for building roads, public schools, the military, etc.
FYI I'm not a proponent of "full blown socialism", I think a mix of socialism and capitalism (which is what we currently have) works best. I just get tired of the mis-characterizations.
To have everything you just said would entail exactly what I said before. Everyone would be so hammered by taxes that we would just be working for the government. Doesn't work.

El Correcto

god is dead
No one says this stuff will be free, Bernie Sanders even admitted that his plans would involve increased taxes. But it's not "other people's money", it's "our money" paying for things that we all benefit from. College would be tuition free for everybody, not just the poor. Healthcare would free of charge to everybody, not just the poor. And "our money" would pay for that in the same way that "our money" pays for building roads, public schools, the military, etc.
FYI I'm not a proponent of "full blown socialism", I think a mix of socialism and capitalism (which is what we currently have) works best. I just get tired of the mis-characterizations.
This is poison. I can’t tell if you are just trolling and it’s clear we disagree on so many levels this conversation isn’t even worth having.

Let’s just rename he Fourth of July to Dependence Day so you can celebrate this wonderful utopia and cast aside any rememberance of a free nation.


Well-Known Member
Whenever it is called a human right. Who do you think pays the salaries of guaranteed government jobs? I mean we are literally regressiving into communist territory here. Outcome equality.
your not even remotely close to having equality from birth.

some are obscenely rich, some are terribly poor (and sick and all that depressing socio economic stuff that comes w being poor)


Well-Known Member
To have everything you just said would entail exactly what I said before. Everyone would be so hammered by taxes that we would just be working for the government. Doesn't work.
other countries already do it and possibly have lower taxes on the poor than america.

raise your expectations


Staff member
This is poison. I can’t tell if you are just trolling and it’s clear we disagree on so many levels this conversation isn’t even worth having.

Let’s just rename he Fourth of July to Dependence Day so you can celebrate this wonderful Eutopia and cast aside any rememberance of a free nation.
You're just jabbering now. I mean come on dude, you're a grown man who stills lives at home with his mother...


Well-Known Member
The current pretty little socialist in favor is espousing free college. Obamacare provides very nice healthcare to the poor. Someone has to pay for it and in the world y'all envision people will pretty much be working for the government so that everyone will get distributed to them what they need from the government. Problem is when you take away the motivation to do better for yourself and family things start falling apart. Has happened everywhere tried. The EU is slowly but surely disintegrating because the more boldly socialist countries there are broke or soon to be, and the milder socialists there don't want to have to pay for other's mistakes. The post earlier in this thread where the fellow said the government doesn't need an income, it can print money, it'll never go broke is so misguided it's scary. And that's what Bernie Sanders et al are espousing.
workers pretend to work as employees and are unmotivated when working for capitalists...