Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


nowhere special


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution

This might come as a surprise to some, but every penny of the $21,206 spent in Ocasio-Cortez's district each year on each student, rich or poor, is provided with the profits derived from capitalism. There is no welfare system, no library that subsists on your good intentions. Having the state take over the entire health care system could rightly be called a socialistic endeavor, but pooling local tax dollars to put books in a building is called local government.


Staff member
As a southern Democrat, I'll just say this: If the Democratic Party sees OC's win in NEW YORK as a nationwide embracement of harder left values and viewpoints, they are going to lose. A lot. It's a huge mistake.


I don't think anyone see's it that way, she's a young latina who won a district that's young and latino. The national party is going to back candidates that they feel can win in their districts, like Conor Lamb in PA.


Well-Known Member
Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution

This might come as a surprise to some, but every penny of the $21,206 spent in Ocasio-Cortez's district each year on each student, rich or poor, is provided with the profits derived from capitalism. There is no welfare system, no library that subsists on your good intentions. Having the state take over the entire health care system could rightly be called a socialistic endeavor, but pooling local tax dollars to put books in a building is called local government.
capitalist profits are also derived from government spending

capitalism also leads to misery and destitution. see opiod crisis, suicides amongst middle aged whites, and nearly half of america is near poverty


Well-Known Member
Paul Sliker //‏ @psliker 12h12 hours ago

What Doug seems to fail to understand is that all government spending is money creation. MMT gives us empirical realities about the way our monetary system *already works* but this guy is more interested in strawmanning a leading progressive economist than doing basic research.

Doug Henwood @DougHenwood
i’m confused. You’d rather print money than tax rich people, is that it?
3 replies 9 retweets 30 likes


Well-Known Member
Scott Fullwiler‏ @stf18 Jun 8

17/n In sum, always remember that govt ability to LEGAL authority and FINANCIAL ability to pay benefits are NOT CONSTRAINTS, they are CHOICES, just like govt chooses to pay for wars, cut corporate taxes, etc., all the time. It can ALWAYS choose to authorize and pay SS/Medicare

18/n The only actual hard constraint on future entitlements is PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY to pay these benefits and maintain standards of living for others at same time.

19/n Thus it is NOT useful for informed policy debates to have CBO & SS/Medicare trustees to forecast "solvency" of trust funds in the manner they do now.

20/20 However, it WOULD BE useful for them to say "our analysis shows govt has CHOSEN not to legally fund these programs in full after 20XX; if it CHOOSES to do so w/o taxes/spending cuts, given assumptions in our econ model we forecast inflation to be X%." DONE!