Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
Man you love your state. I wasn't calling California socialist, I was referring to that article where the guy said he got more votes in California using a different slogan than socialism. Vote for him to end poverty! So, has he?
As long as capitalism rules, no. Anymore questions?

El Correcto

god is dead
As long as capitalism rules, no. Anymore questions?
I’d be happy to see states go socialist. Hell more power to the voters who want those policies. It’d be cool to be proven wrong and see a utopia thrive. I’d be willing to move there and live in paradise. Just leave the country out of your most likely doomed idealogy and massive debt.


Well-Known Member
I’d be happy to see states go socialist. Hell more power to the voters who want those policies. It’d be cool to be proven wrong and see a utopia thrive. I’d be willing to move there and live in paradise. Just leave the country out of your most likely doomed idealogy and massive debt.
doomed ideology and debts sound like capitalism!


Well-Known Member
So you are poor because you were lazy your whole life?
Let's see, at 12 worked 35 hours a week in the Florida sun for $1hr pulling weeds at a huge plant nursery plus whatever other chores needed. At 16 worked 30+ hours a week for the next 4 years at supermarket doing things like working 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and staying on until about 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning waxing floor once a month. Plus helped my dad with his sideline plus all the chores I could stand. Used to come home from supermarket to find dinner dishes waiting for me to hand wash every other night, my turn. Or come home after long Saturday to be told to mow acre and a half yard with a push mower with 20" wide cutting path. Juggled 3 jobs, about 75 hrs on the clock, in 20's before getting FT courier job at FedEx. Oh yeah, in my late 40's volunteered to unload containers every morning for almost 4 years while not knowing my artery was clogging up on me to point it was 99% blocked. The occasional odd chest pain should've clued me in but ignored it. You constantly want to put me down but I know what I did all those years at FedEx. Tops in productivity at most of the places I worked at, volunteered to work most of my Saturdays off many years, volunteered to work Christmas day every time asked. What I'm doing now is making up for some lost time, seeing some places I'm interested in, and getting ready for retiring full-time over in this region. I know what you'll say so let's get it out of the way. Cool story bro. TLDR. I got rewarded for my efforts with a pension and huge airline discounts. Exactly what a traveler like me wants. FedEx may not have kept their promises but I held up my end of the bargain.
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Well-Known Member
Single payer lowers red tape for doctors. The current American system forces doctors to hire additional staff just to fight with various insurance companies to figure out what they’ll get paid for. All that extra staff of the doctors and insurance companies are waste in the system limiting doctor’s incomes.
Single payer results in rationed care. Unfortunately people who insist on it have to find out the hard way.


Inordinately Right
Let's see, at 12 worked 35 hours a week in the Florida sun for $1hr pulling weeds at a huge plant nursery plus whatever other chores needed. At 16 worked 30+ hours a week for the next 4 years at supermarket doing things like working 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and staying on until about 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning waxing floor once a month. Plus helped my dad with his sideline plus all the chores I could stand. Used to come home from supermarket to find dinner dishes waiting for me to hand wash every other night, my turn. Or come home after long Saturday to be told to mow acre and a half yard with a push mower with 20" wide cutting path. Juggled 3 jobs, about 75 hrs on the clock, in 20's before getting FT courier job at FedEx. Oh yeah, in my late 40's volunteered to unload containers every morning for almost 4 years while not knowing my artery was clogging up on me to point it was 99% blocked. The occasional odd chest pain should've clued me in but ignored it. You constantly want to put me down but I know what I did all those years at FedEx. Tops in productivity at most of the places I worked at, volunteered to work most of my Saturdays off many years, volunteered to work Christmas day every time asked. What I'm doing now is making up for some lost time, seeing some places I'm interested in, and getting ready for retiring full-time over in this region. I know what you'll say so let's get it out of the way. Cool story bro. TLDR. I got rewarded for my efforts with a pension and huge airline discounts. Exactly what a traveler like me wants. FedEx may not have kept their promises but I held up my end of the bargain.
You're the one who said poor people are lazy. You're just proving my point that you are wrong.

Cool story bro.


nowhere special

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Single payer results in rationed care. Unfortunately people who insist on it have to find out the hard way.
Care is rationed regardless of the method of payment. It’s a finite resource that is not efficiently distributed by a free market. Our attempts at a market based solution only drive costs up with the administrative waste. There’s no price competition with providers keeping costs down, healthcare is not something people routinely bargain shop for.