Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
either way its not good enough. its like comparing hillary to trump.
And yet millions of people, tens of millions, get by ok on it. You appear to think socialism will provide everyone with good pay and a quality lifestyle. That there won't be any working poor. Truth is that capitalism has brought the living standards of more people up than any other system in history. Socialism unravels eventually everywhere it's tried.


Well-Known Member
And yet millions of people, tens of millions, get by ok on it. You appear to think socialism will provide everyone with good pay and a quality lifestyle. That there won't be any working poor. Truth is that capitalism has brought the living standards of more people up than any other system in history. Socialism unravels eventually everywhere it's tried.
capitalism unravels every 6 years called a recession / depression, and its unravelling on a grand scale environmentally which shows it never actually worked. and it means a majority of ppl are taking orders ie not free / democratic.,

american living standards are falling.

El Correcto

god is dead
capitalism unravels every 6 years called a recession / depression, and its unravelling on a grand scale environmentally which shows it never actually worked. and it means a majority of ppl are taking orders ie not free / democratic.,

american living standards are falling.
And the socialist nations don’t, they are in a constant state of recession

Dollar Chasing

Well-Known Member
And yet millions of people, tens of millions, get by ok on it. You appear to think socialism will provide everyone with good pay and a quality lifestyle. That there won't be any working poor. Truth is that capitalism has brought the living standards of more people up than any other system in history. Socialism unravels eventually everywhere it's tried.
Hahahaha! This is the new dumbest quote I’ve heard for the month, and we only have one day left.

Edit: maybe the year...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the resistance Koch brothers.

Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

“Medicare for All” would cover more people, increase the quality of coverage, and cost less than is currently being spent on health care. “Blahous admits that covering the uninsured and upgrading coverage for most others could be achieved at virtually no additional cost through a single payer reform,” Himmelstein and Woolhandler conclude.”Altogether, the increase in federal health spending is dramatic and certainly significant, but the change in projected national health expenditures really isn’t,” he told The Intercept. Especially given the source of the report, that’s news.

Dollar Chasing

Well-Known Member
Confirms what I had thought about you.
Well you’re a Trump monkey, so there’s not much left to confirm about you. You’re a cancer on this country, the Constitution, and democracy itself. You’ll see the world burn down around you before you admit you’re wrong, and the only leg you have to stand on is this abortion of a president. History books will laugh in your face.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Well you’re a Trump monkey, so there’s not much left to confirm about you.
You’re a cancer on this country, the Constitution, and democracy itself.
You’ll see the world burn down around you before you admit you’re wrong, and the only leg you have to stand on is this abortion of a president.
History books will laugh in your face.
LOL ... What a doofuss!

El Correcto

god is dead
Welcome to the resistance Koch brothers.

Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

“Medicare for All” would cover more people, increase the quality of coverage, and cost less than is currently being spent on health care. “Blahous admits that covering the uninsured and upgrading coverage for most others could be achieved at virtually no additional cost through a single payer reform,” Himmelstein and Woolhandler conclude.”Altogether, the increase in federal health spending is dramatic and certainly significant, but the change in projected national health expenditures really isn’t,” he told The Intercept. Especially given the source of the report, that’s news.
