Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the resistance Koch brothers.

Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

“Medicare for All” would cover more people, increase the quality of coverage, and cost less than is currently being spent on health care. “Blahous admits that covering the uninsured and upgrading coverage for most others could be achieved at virtually no additional cost through a single payer reform,” Himmelstein and Woolhandler conclude.”Altogether, the increase in federal health spending is dramatic and certainly significant, but the change in projected national health expenditures really isn’t,” he told The Intercept. Especially given the source of the report, that’s news.
Well of course it will. Costs have gotten so high for everyone that if you went to a single payer at this point it probably would be better overall. But it was a hell of a lot better before Obama and company started effing with it. So essentially they're waving the white flag and saying eff it, anything is better at this point. Way to go geniuses, you're guaranteeing high costs going forward but hey, it'll be better than the current mess.
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Well-Known Member
Hahahaha! This is the new dumbest quote I’ve heard for the month, and we only have one day left.

Edit: maybe the year...
OK, tell me where I'm wrong? Tell me how socialism will raise the living standards of everyone? Tell me that people making $31k a year don't get by using various strategies? Show me a truly socialist state that's thriving?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
capitalism unravels every 6 years called a recession / depression, and its unravelling on a grand scale environmentally which shows it never actually worked. and it means a majority of ppl are taking orders ie not free / democratic.,

american living standards are falling.

Socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence.

"Socialists like to blame every inequity, the actions of every greedy criminal, every downturn and every social ill on the injustice of capitalism. But none of them admit that capitalism has been the most effective way to eliminate poverty in history. Today, in former socialist states like India, there have been big reductions in poverty thanks to increased capitalism. In China, where communism sadly still deprives more than a billion people of their basic rights, hundreds of millions benefit from a system that is slowly shedding socialism. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the extreme poverty rate in the world has been cut in half. And it didn't happen because Southeast Asians were raising the minimum wage."

Instead of complaining about successful rich people, aspire to become one and do some good with your wealth.

Capitalism is far from perfect...but what's happening in Venezuela with Socialists President Nicolas Maduro is far worse.


Well-Known Member
Socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence.

"Socialists like to blame every inequity, the actions of every greedy criminal, every downturn and every social ill on the injustice of capitalism. But none of them admit that capitalism has been the most effective way to eliminate poverty in history. Today, in former socialist states like India, there have been big reductions in poverty thanks to increased capitalism. In China, where communism sadly still deprives more than a billion people of their basic rights, hundreds of millions benefit from a system that is slowly shedding socialism. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the extreme poverty rate in the world has been cut in half. And it didn't happen because Southeast Asians were raising the minimum wage."

Instead of complaining about successful rich people, aspire to become one and do some good with your wealth.

Capitalism is far from perfect...but what's happening in Venezuela with Socialists President Nicolas Maduro is far worse.
actually you can understand where state socialism, capitalism, and slavery all fail bc they centralize power ie they are not one worker 1 vote.

btw are you familiar with the author of that article or are you just quoting something you already agree with from someone you dont know?


Well-Known Member
OK, tell me where I'm wrong? Tell me how socialism will raise the living standards of everyone? Tell me that people making $31k a year don't get by using various strategies? Show me a truly socialist state that's thriving?
north dakota saves alot of money with the bank of north dakota.

the countries that have guaranteed healthcare and vacation get more than the free markets of america.

the coops of italy are better than the capitalism of america


Well-Known Member
north dakota saves alot of money with the bank of north dakota.

the countries that have guaranteed healthcare and vacation get more than the free markets of america.

the coops of italy are better than the capitalism of america
The countries that have guaranteed healthcare and vacation are struggling to pay for it. Italy is a financial basket case. I have no clue why you included North Dakota.


Well-Known Member
The countries that have guaranteed healthcare and vacation are struggling to pay for it. Italy is a financial basket case. I have no clue why you included North Dakota.
correct italy banks are bad.

socialist bank of north dakota. look up ellen brown.

america cant afford privatized healthcare which is why so many dont have it! and it costs double canadas and australias!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore

San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.

"They send (running) water once a month. The rest of the time we have to buy it," moaned Florimar Nieves, a 39-year-old primary school teacher.

"There have been times where we've had no electricity for 24 hours."

This is not some sort of remote village outpost but a city of 160,000 inhabitants, 150 kilometers (90 miles) southwest of the capital Caracas.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore

San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.

"They send (running) water once a month. The rest of the time we have to buy it," moaned Florimar Nieves, a 39-year-old primary school teacher.

"There have been times where we've had no electricity for 24 hours."

This is not some sort of remote village outpost but a city of 160,000 inhabitants, 150 kilometers (90 miles) southwest of the capital Caracas.

Only because it was a sanctuary city.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore

San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.

"They send (running) water once a month. The rest of the time we have to buy it," moaned Florimar Nieves, a 39-year-old primary school teacher.

"There have been times where we've had no electricity for 24 hours."

This is not some sort of remote village outpost but a city of 160,000 inhabitants, 150 kilometers (90 miles) southwest of the capital Caracas.

Sounds like Puerto Rico.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"


Well-Known Member
All European politics is left compared to america’s, including the nazi’s.

They missed one of the most important government revolutions of the enlightenment, small government.
not all. theres fascist parties in EU now. but ur right, democrats would be a far right wing party by EU standards and probably most developed countries

i have no idea about the last point.

governments lie about words all the time like democracy, war, freedom, etc