Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Oh, I thought you were talking about "You" as in Americans in general. But yes, I would. UPS could up my hourly rate and still save money by no longer having to pay into Teamcare.

I would be willing take a 5-10% hit in take-home pay if it meant no American citizen had to worry about whether they could afford to treat their cancer, or be driven into bankruptcy by a health problem that is no fault of their own.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I would be willing take a 5-10% hit in take-home pay if it meant no American citizen had to worry about whether they could afford to treat their cancer, or be driven into bankruptcy by a health problem that is no fault of their own.
Honestly, I would as well.

I was always POed about Obamacare because it was such a POS compared to a true National Healthcare plan.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Apparently they're stuck with Obamacare although subsidized by the federal govt.

Here's how much members of Congress pay for their health insurance

"As the myth busting website Snopes points out, "contrary to popular belief, Congressional members do not receive free health care." Instead, they choose a gold-level Obamacare policy and receive federal subsidies that cover 72 percent of the cost of the premiums.

In short, Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff "pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions." They also have access to "free or low-cost care" through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as "free medical outpatient care at military facilities" in the D.C. area.

That's a pretty good deal, especially given that the average 21-year-old making $25,000 a year would be charged $282 per month for a silver Obamacare plan, and pay about half of that, or $142, thanks to subsidies, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

But, Jeffrey Frank of The New Yorker reports, one of the reasons legislators might be fixated on doing away with Obamacare is because they used to have a deal they liked even better. Before, they were covered by a "beloved, and by most accounts well-administered, federal plan" called the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).

Were the ACA to be repealed, legislators would get to return to that "comfortable" situation. They would still enjoy many of the ACA's protections: under FEHBP plans, "no one can be refused, or charged more, for a preëxisting condition" and "dependents under twenty-six are covered," Frank writes.

Federal subsidies for insurance under FEHBP would remain stable at 72 percent, so even if they returned to their former plan, members of Congress would pay the same percentage of their costs that they currently do. They would not get health insurance for free. These days, fewer and fewer people do. In 2001, 34 percent of employers paid for 100 percent of their employees' premiums. In 2016, Forbes found, that had dropped to only nine percent of employers."

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ocasio-Cortez to join House panel overseeing financial sector

I have not heard her comments yet but I would think she is very happy about this appointment.

Ocasio-Cortez has been recommended by Democratic leaders for a spot on the House Financial Services Committee, a Democratic source told The Hill on Tuesday. The full roster of Democrats joining the committee is expected to be released as soon as Tuesday night.

AOC Square image.jpg

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
“She added: "Personally, I’m looking forward to digging into the student loan crisis, examining for-profit prisons/ICE detention, and exploring the development of public & postal banking. To start."

The hell is public & postal banking? Will have to read up, I guess.


nowhere special
Ocasio-Cortez to join House panel overseeing financial sector

I have not heard her comments yet but I would think she is very happy about this appointment.

Ocasio-Cortez has been recommended by Democratic leaders for a spot on the House Financial Services Committee, a Democratic source told The Hill on Tuesday. The full roster of Democrats joining the committee is expected to be released as soon as Tuesday night.


Maybe she will learn how to balance her checkbook.