Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Strength through joy
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be a featured speaker at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network convention next month, joining a large number of Democratic presidential contenders.

Sharpton said Wednesday he was impressed with the first-year congresswoman, who shocked the political world last year by defeating veteran Rep. Joe Crowley.

“I met her in Washington. She seems to be very smart and committed to the progressive agenda,” Sharpton said.

The convention will be held at the Sheraton Times Square from April 3-6.

Ocasio-Cortez is scheduled to speak April 5 — right before Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

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Deranged lunatic
Do you remember the lunatic fringe supporting Trump that you projected into Armageddon?

That supporting cast has just shifted to AOC.
That fringe has been radicalized by nearly 2 decades of old policies that have shifted us into an anti-islamic war, literally.
They are the direct enemies of the left, who a non-political indoctrinated (by media/news) person these days might say are simply "against trump"
The waffle-heads who would have voted for both, are very few.

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Deranged lunatic
No, you (and enough people, presumably) simply insist that she is, its a misnomer. The true grip on power still remains a thinly veiled "moderate" coalition, who may as well be the new, less-radical conservatives.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The true grip on power still remains a thinly veiled "moderate" coalition, who may as well be the new, less-radical conservatives.

You talking Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? If those big coastal city Democrats are now considered righties, the Democratic Party is going to have some real problems picking up votes in purple states next year.


Strength through joy
AOC is upset that the GOP wants to put her New Green Deal up for a vote. She should be proud that it made it to the House Floor in record time.