I didn't read every page, but I am a 21 year old student. I won't have 100k worth of debt, but I will be in debt after school. I support OWS simply because my generation is getting the raw end of the deal for something we had absolutely nothing to do with. I'm probably not going to be able to live as nice as my parents did. Free college? Yes, a educated society is a prosperous one. Free health care? Yes, a healthy society is a working society. You people that are against this are the sheep. You guys are so brainwashed to just take your beatings and ask for another. There isn't ONE idea coming from this group. That is why if you interview multiple they say different things. This protest is about change all around.
If Capitalism is the holy grail why are we failing? And why are we borrowing/enslaved to Communists? lol All I hear on the news is Anti capitalism!!!!111 Well Capitalism isn't working right now soo something should be changed. Why does it have to be either capitalism or communism or socialism? Why can't we keep capitalism and add some socialist ideas. Because you can all say socialism is the devil until you're blue in the face, but socialism does have some good ideas that we already use, and others we should use....
(Anti-American is someone who knows the country is friend'd up and just continues with the norm)
Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 10:11 PM
By Brian Donohue/The Star-Ledger
Ledger Live for October 12, 2011. Ledger Live with Brian Donohue. On a relatively slow day at the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City, Star-Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine wades into the rows of crusty sleeping bags in search of some good old fashioned "government issue" socialists. Instead, he finds a surprising number of people who adhere to the platform of the his own conservative hero: Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul.
There is a great documentary on Argentina and those cooperatives. It is called "The Take" .
Individualist anarchists believe in mutual exchange, not economic privilege. They believe in freed markets, not capitalism. They defend a distinctive response to the challenges of ending global capitalism and achieving social justice: eliminate the political privileges that prop up capitalists.
Massive concentrations of wealth, rigid economic hierarchies, and unsustainable modes of production are not the results of the market form, but of markets deformed and rigged by a network of state-secured controls and privileges to the business class. Markets Not Capitalism explores the gap between radically freed markets and the capitalist-controlled markets that prevail today. It explains how liberating market exchange from state capitalist privilege can abolish structural poverty, help working people take control over the conditions of their labor, and redistribute wealth and social power.
Featuring discussions of socialism, capitalism, markets, ownership, labor struggle, grassroots privatization, intellectual property, health care, racism, sexism, and environmental issues, this unique collection brings together classic essays by leading figures in the anarchist tradition, including Proudhon and Voltairine de Cleyre, and such contemporary innovators as Kevin Carson and Roderick Long. It introduces an eye-opening approach to radical social thought, rooted equally in libertarian socialism and market anarchism.
“We on the left need a good shake to get us thinking, and these arguments for market anarchism do the job in lively and thoughtful fashion.” – Alexander Cockburn, editor and publisher, Counterpunch
For all who are in the NYC area tomorrow morning would be a good time to show your solidarity with the OWS. Mayor Bloomberg is planning on cleaning out the park at 7am Friday morning;this means the effective end to OWS. If you were planning on going "one of these days", well tomorrow morning would be the day to go!! Other union groups and local will be there. Some are coming before work. Some are taking off. Think brothers and sisters, over the past hundred years or so how our union brothers and sisters took on huge corporations and their Pinkerton police thugs to make it a better world for all of us to work in today. They made big sacrifices of their time and their bodies. I know we are all busy and we have families and work and school, etc. But sometimes you have to stop and look at what is happening around us and ask do we want things to get better or not?! Well this might be our time to make a difference in the world. Our time to be out in the streets like "they" did before us standing up for justice and what is right!! Grab your union shirts and video cameras and make up a good sign and bring it to Liberty park Friday morning by 7am!! Our time has come!!
For all who are in the NYC area tomorrow morning would be a good time to show your solidarity with the OWS. Mayor Bloomberg is planning on cleaning out the park at 7am Friday morning;this means the effective end to OWS. If you were planning on going "one of these days", well tomorrow morning would be the day to go!! Other union groups and local will be there. Some are coming before work. Some are taking off. Think brothers and sisters, over the past hundred years or so how our union brothers and sisters took on huge corporations and their Pinkerton police thugs to make it a better world for all of us to work in today. They made big sacrifices of their time and their bodies. I know we are all busy and we have families and work and school, etc. But sometimes you have to stop and look at what is happening around us and ask do we want things to get better or not?! Well this might be our time to make a difference in the world. Our time to be out in the streets like "they" did before us standing up for justice and what is right!! Grab your union shirts and video cameras and make up a good sign and bring it to Liberty park Friday morning by 7am!! Our time has come!!
Yeah- All of the OWS in the park so they can be promptly ARRESTED!!!! Morons! Go to Reid,Pelosi,Biden, and OBLAH BA. Protest at their doors. They are the reason for all the debt. Tripled (debt)in one year. Follow the great community organizer- Whimps!!
Yeah- All of the OWS in the park so they can be promptly ARRESTED!!!! Morons! Go to Reid,Pelosi,Biden, and OBLAH BA. Protest at their doors. They are the reason for all the debt. Tripled (debt)in one year. Follow the great community organizer- Whimps!!
Let me guess? Musta been a poll held in the city. Those of us who are not citiots. Have a mind of our own and can think and judge things with out the propaganda you see at every corner down there. Bet you want Hoffa too? Cant get the big picture Status quo- Followers. Polls!?