"The kind of truck an entitled kid \\
Right, I forget that driving one of those trucks comes like riding a bike or walking even.. THat easy.. Never claimed i could drive one just was stating and asking is there something i can do to get my job back not as driver but in local sort or pre load look and as for being able to read my post your doing just fine and really i dont give two spits about how its punctionated or spelled perfectly didnt know i was being judged on my grammar this is a open forum for many topics of discussion it you that took it upon your must have a very small manhood having self to judge my grammar so how does it feel to have used up an hour of your low life having self time on someone of my grammatically incorrect self (DIC)!"
You really need to learn how to quote a post. It makes it hard to respond.
The only way you can get "your" job back is to be rehired.
And, as far as my manhood, I am very comfortable with who I am. Unlike you, having to call people "low lifes" multiple times.