I don't believe I ever posted that I would vote no or yes, although as I get up there in years my memory is not what it used to be
No offense taken by the way. I fully realize there are some problems with this contract, I have never stated or meant to imply that I think it's great. most of the posts that people use a barometer of my opinion are those I make to counter posters who come in and yell "VOTE NO! IT SUX!" I think posts like those are detrimental to any valid discussions that may go on here. There is rarely any solid information in them, just drivel.
On the flip side there are many posters with solid information on why they will vote no who make excellent points. The main thing for me is that the negotiating committee was given a mandate of sorts from the survey we all, I hope, filled out. Pension, health and welfare issues were to be given top priority. I have been with the company (and the Teamsters) long enough to have put those issues at the top of the survey. The pension was/is in dire need of fixing. Rather than focus on who or what is to blame for it's troubles (I don't believe it can be squarely laid at the feet of one single group or person) I want to see if the changes outlined in the contract will go any decent distance towards fixing it so it will be around for a long long time.
Is there crappy language in the new contract? Yep.
Are there concessions in the contract? Yep.
Do I think it's a great contract? Nope.
Do I think it's a horrible contract? Nope.
Am I concerned about split raises, raises being lower than last contract and a portion of each raise possibly being taken and put toward the pension? Nope.
-- I think top pay at UPS is quite sufficient and any raise is a good raise considering the economic landscape we live in (compared to other businesses). I'm not crazy about part of the raise being put toward the pension, I like money as much as the next person, but if it is going with the specific purpose of securing the pension then I can live with it.
Do I like relative discrepancies between CEO pay and the average worker? Of course not.
Do I think CEO's are paid ridiculous amounts of money and their golden parachutes are obscene, especially when a company goes toilet bound? You bet I do.
However, some of these issues aren't a priority for me right now. They are important, there is no doubt but my concern is saving the pension and benefits.
Having said all that and wasted even more of your time

, I have not made a decision on how I will vote. I am currently having discussions with my business agent and have calls in to my local. If it turns out that, once I decipher the pension language and math to as full an understanding as I believe I can come, I don't think it will deliver as it should I will vote no. If it turns out that I come to the conclusion that it will be the best option for the troubled pesnsion issue then I will vote yes.
In the meantime I will continue to file grievances when contract language is being violated. I will continue to monitor the progress or backtracking of the Union with regard to employees rights. I will also keep adding to my list of issues to be addressed "next time"
Signing off from yet another long rambling post. I'm sure I'll need to clarify some things I had written once the criticisms start flowing in