Active Member
You say hopeless, I say pragmatic. Having the negotiating committee go back to the table to address issues that weren't set down as priorities by the members will, in my opinion, serve no purpose at this point. I urge you to keep making assumptions about where I stand or on which side of the issue I'll fall... it makes for interesting reading. The rest of your talking points have been discussed, responded to and discussed some more in other threads, you might want to go back and do some reading before trying to hash it all out in this thread.
Hopping back up on to my fence now. Gooooooooozzzz Fraba!
Goooooooooozzzzz Fraba!

I'm going back into the real world now to convince all UPS teamsters to read the contract before voting. And of course to solicit a NO vote. It will b a much more effective use of my time than discussing here in the brown cafe. Good luck on the fence.