You mentioned that it takes you 30 minutes to deliver to the prison. Is this one stop or are you making several stops within the prison complex? Only reason I am asking is that we have many prisons up here and each has their own delivery criteria. We have a max security where they meet us in the parking lot and we transfer to their vehicle. We have a medium where we have to cart everything in and then separate facility and inmate. We have a minimum where we back up to a dock and are in and gone in 5 minutes. We have a substance abuse facility where everything is brought to the office. Our prison deliveries can range from as little as 5 to as much as 30 minutes.
Driving 5 fewer miles will not lower your SPORH by 3.
Production terminations will become a reality sooner than most of would like to believe.
Sorry but have to disagree with you on production terminations. Its not legal first of all because we have a contract that does not recognize production. If UPS could truly fire employees for production issues they would be all over it. Yes they will intimidate and bully but what else is new? If UPS goes down this road you will see a class action for violation of the labor agreement. Arbitration would not be on this road. You see you cant change the rules in the middle of the game. The law is very clear on this.