Ok California. Now what?


Well-Known Member
No one is saying scrape all the mountains clean. Just clear brush near the city. Never heard of a fire break? They have them in forests all the time. A cleared wide path that greatly slows down forest fires and makes them easier to control. And then there's the water situation. Maybe rebuild some dams and kill some smelt. All kinds of things you can do once you push the environmentalists out of the way.
Fire breaks don't work in 100mph winds. This fire crossed the highway and burnt down homes with ease.


Well-Known Member
this LA fire is going to be interesting . Some of the most affluent people in California lived in the burned up areas. Dems wont be able to sweep this mess under the rug.


Well-Known Member
this LA fire is going to be interesting . Some of the most affluent people in California lived in the burned up areas. Dems wont be able to sweep this mess under the rug.
Was listening to Adam Corolla on Hannity's radio show this afternoon. He said wait until these people try to get permits to rebuild. Suzanne Somers and husband went through 7 years trying to get a permit when their house burned down. They finally gave up and moved to Palm Springs.


Retired 23 years
We have 14,000 lakes and Lake Superior --- and very few forest fires--even though half of the state is basically one big forest. Forest fires don't last long when they do happen. It must REALLY suck to live in California.