Ok California. Now what?


Well-Known Member
Not at all. But I’m also not an expert, maybe that was the best effort that could be put forward under the circumstances. Instead of blame, I choose compassion, for the people that lost homes and property and life, and the people being ostracized by others because of their perceived political shortcomings. Give it a try, your stress level might come down. It’s a horrible tragedy.

A lot of you crack me up, it’s like you could find the idea that a car accident could’ve been prevented if only a republican built the car, or paved the highway, or programmed the traffic light. These wildfires were a terrible tragedy, stop trying to find so much blame.
You're being silly. We of course show compassion for those who lost their lives and/or homes. But you also hold people accountable who are responsible for prevention. You try to insure every effort is made to either prevent forest fires or minimize their damage.

You have Democrats in power starting to point fingers at each other over responsibility. Most of the people affected were Democrats. You just don't like Republicans pointing out the flaws in your system. @MAKAVELI was refusing to admit there wasn't water until enough reportage about no water made it impossible for him to do so. There seems to be a pattern with.Democrats. Look at the Biden administration constantly reporting high new jobs numbers then going back months later and quietly adjusting the numbers way down. The people want accountability. Huge sums are being spent but we don't seem to work well. It's the opposition's job to point that out, not go along quietly.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but we have to stop with the ridiculous sign language interpreters, who turn serious press conferences into a farce. There are closed captions on all broadcast channels and streaming services. No wild human gesticulators necessary.

Chris Rufo


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but we have to stop with the ridiculous sign language interpreters, who turn serious press conferences into a farce. There are closed captions on all broadcast channels and streaming services. No wild human gesticulators necessary.

Chris Rufo
I believe they're for the benefit of the deaf who are at the press conferences.


Well-Known Member
New miracle called concrete
Not at all. But I’m also not an expert, maybe that was the best effort that could be put forward under the circumstances. Instead of blame, I choose compassion, for the people that lost homes and property and life, and the people being ostracized by others because of their perceived political shortcomings. Give it a try, your stress level might come down. It’s a horrible tragedy.

A lot of you crack me up, it’s like you could find the idea that a car accident could’ve been prevented if only a republican built the car, or paved the highway, or programmed the traffic light. These wildfires were a terrible tragedy, stop trying to find so much blame.
Blame is the first step to a civilized society, just throwing your hands in the air and saying insha'allah or hakuna matata is for 3rd worlders

Oh right you live in NJ, nvm I guess that appropriate

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
One reason things don’t work in the third world is favoritism.

We’ve got a Western version of that—it’s called “Wokeism.”

We’d rather placate and flatter people than actually make sure that things work.
